Title: A Bit Hysteric Fandom: The Day of Revolution Pairing: Megumi/Mikoto Rating: PG Disclaimer: DoR belongs to Mikiyo Tsuda et al A/N: I think I just got a little weird. er. /shame, shame on myself . . .
OMG DOR FIC. These two are one of my stealthiest OTPs ever. I watched the entirety of Princess Princess just for Mikoto and that one episode when Megumi visited him at school.
This is an interesting perspective. As much as I like DoR, I was never very happy with the clumsy way the mangaka handled Megumi's sexual identity. She just sort of hand-waved it. If someone is biologically female but has identified as a male all his life, it's not right to just be like, "Well, now you're a girl," and be done with it.
LOL YES i've been meaning to write for it lately BUT YES. lawl i recently just went through the anime again, and read DoR at the suggestion of cesia. aren't megumi and mikoto just the yummiest?;;
thanks! i agree about the clumsyish way the manga was handled. it was quite superficial. perhaps that was the point? to make a heavy matter quite light? i hope that was the point, lol. at least she could have kept writing it *n*.
i am dying to write crackfic of this pairing, anyway.
i agree; read as soon as possible. it's available online at mangafox. it's like, two volumes? the thing about it is... well, you should read it first, and then you can tell me what you think about it!
Comments 5
This is an interesting perspective. As much as I like DoR, I was never very happy with the clumsy way the mangaka handled Megumi's sexual identity. She just sort of hand-waved it. If someone is biologically female but has identified as a male all his life, it's not right to just be like, "Well, now you're a girl," and be done with it.
thanks! i agree about the clumsyish way the manga was handled. it was quite superficial. perhaps that was the point? to make a heavy matter quite light? i hope that was the point, lol. at least she could have kept writing it *n*.
i am dying to write crackfic of this pairing, anyway.
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i agree; read as soon as possible. it's available online at mangafox. it's like, two volumes? the thing about it is... well, you should read it first, and then you can tell me what you think about it!
lawl. /but he's the sane one, remember that.
Have been enchanted by your apic writing :]
/is flattered muchly and pleased
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