May 06, 2008 09:10

Above image is the only one I can steal with my low 'points'. But as I said SPOILERS ARE TRUE, besides shuangtracy confirmed those are true here:

Thank you.

For those who still are living in a happy world of simple things, here is the brain breaking summary:

TRC-Real-Syaoran is the son of CCS-Syaoran & CCS-Sakura

Syaoran went to Yuuko's shop because of his parents to fulfill his destiny and was sent to the country his mother saw in a dream with the payment of CCS-Sakura's wand (or a copy, tha tpart is confusing) TRC-Real-Syaoran ends in Clow and meets TRC-Real-Sakura... that is a dimensional-clone of CCS-Sakura... more or less that is a way to explain this.

I forgot a detail, TRC-Real-Syaoran's name is _NOT_ Syaoran, that is the name somebody thought would be cool to name him to mess reader's brains... a bit more. (Votes for SyaorOn????)

... GOSH I can't believe I need TWO prefixes to define which character I'm talking about.... at least Kuro is still Kuro.... Fay jumped in the train of needing prefixes XD
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