Nakamaru February Calender & Ueda Wallpaper

Feb 04, 2010 04:52

Hi everyone ^^

nieva_mae  had wanted from me a Nakamaru Desktop Calender. I did finally!

niave-mae, sorry for lateness, i'm extremly busy at these days. But i did like i promised :) I was thinking to make 12 months on a page, but i decided to do like you wanted. For now, i made February. And there are two version. I like two of them. I hope, you will like too ^^

And there are two Ueda wallpapers. I saw these photos today. Good, ne ^^

I want to watch Ueda in lead role. While Konkatsu was airing, i was so excited. Like "Yatta! Ueda is in a drama" But when i watched first episode, i disappointed. His role was so little. So, i didn't watch Konkatsu. Actually i hadn't liked its theme too.

I have watched One Pound Gospel least. It was so funny! Kame is so capable at acting. His mimics were so funny ^^ But when i watch, i think "Ueda is boxing actually. I want to see him like this too."  I hope he will perform in a drama funny like this, ah, and in lead role sure ^^

I want to watch Romeo & Juliet and Mouse Peace, and Nakamaru's solo performance too. I wish they had DVDs T_T  Why there aren't? T_T




ueda tatsuya, wallpaper, calender, nakamaru yuichi

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