It's a strange feeling when someone dies that's my age. Not that it happens a lot (I'm not that old!), but when it does, it makes me sit up and take notice. So forgive me for being a little melancholy today, and for discussing something that The Entire World is already discussing.
I found myself seeking out MTV tonight. Keep in mind, I haven't watched MTV since... hmmm... probably for the world premiere of "Thriller". (It's even enshrined on videotape somewhere on my dusty 'media bookcase'.) But as I bounced back and forth between the MTV stations (there are a lot more of them now, 20+ years hence) and the VH1 stations (ditto), I was amazed.
Say what you want about his personality, appearance, lifestyle choices, and other quirks: the man could dance.
Seriously, he was a really good dancer.
He had the kind of talent Fred Astaire had, the spirit that "Billy Elliot" embodies -- the kind of gift you are born with and can't fake. Notice I say "you" because I have no such talent or gift when it comes to dancing, so I can recognize it easily in those who do. And, he had it. Just watch the "
Panther Dance" at the end of "Black or White." For several minutes, there's no music, he just ... dances.
I was never really into the Jackson's much growing up. Chalk it up to being a little too close in age to Michael, so he was more of a annoyance to me than an idol. But I remember watching the "Thriller" video all those years ago, and wondering if this was the future of music, dance, and even our culture. Watching his subsequent videos today on TV, I realized it was true. The videos were about loneliness, starvation, zombies, ecology, cultural icons (from Ryan White to Lech Walesa),gangs, hope... mostly hope.
It takes a lot to change the world, but if anything can make you believe it's possible for one person to change the world, Michael Jackson's videos could.
That's not a bad legacy to leave behind for only being on the planet 50 years.
UPDATE: What is this, Pick On 50-Year-Olds week?! Now I find out Billy Mays has died, also at the ripe old age of 5-0 (honestly, he looked younger to me). Man, maybe this is God's way of saying, "Time to shape up, Juls...."
Ya think?