Oct 16, 2005 22:35
I'm actually trying to find a subjet, may it be suitable or not. Heh. Anyways, I had a different, albeit no better kind of day, at a football game selling stuff, along with friends and others, to get money for or June trip to Italy. It was rainy, and the wind was wild; I was soaked by the time I finally got home. There's, also, the money question: I didn't get any, but I left before the end. Got told there wouldn't be anymore selling because of the weather.
Going back to school tomorrow. It's okay, actually. My dark roots are now dyed, I bought new razors to shave my legs, my jeans coat is coming along quite nicely (still have some sewing to do, a lot of it). School'll help me get somewhat organized again.
Note to self: for 'novel Acanthe': Véro is unsure about her sexuality, although she is easily attracted to guys (dark and mysterious, and other kinds) she might be attracted to Acanthe, even if she's more than willing to forget about it.
I think I'll just play Morrowind, now. Yeah. Then, either drink some wine/grape juice mix or take a long ride with my fuel-thirsty car. The second meaning I'll have to go buy some...