And lo, the slash author did return to find things much slashier than when she left. Gayness was celebrated by the masses and young men did roam the hills of Shropshire shirtless.
Pfft. I wish.
I've been away from the fandom for a horribly long time and the Potterverse might have imploded for all I know. Having spent ten days making forced conversations about goats to toothless spaniards (because goat is the only word I can say) and cultivating my perfectly healthy phobia of weever fish, I have returned! I have quite a nice tan, *preens*, I have more olive skin than my sister who inherited the english half of my parents and she was not impressed at all.
Since being back I have been working my fingers to the bone over this new epic I am writing. I'm up to about 65000 words and only about a third of the way through the first of what will be three stories. There be much slash ahead, maties, ooh arr!
My gratitude goes out to the lovely Jellybean who made the *gorgeous* icon I am now sporting. *Smiles fondly*. I'm all happy because no-one has ever made a Stylophile related icon before and it made my day, darling.
Ooh, before I forget, can anyone recommend me some good Paris/Achilles slash? I'm looking for a change of pace. Or some Aziraphale/Crowley slash for that matter.
TF8 is very very nearly done. I've been neglecting it horribly which is stupid because I'm only about half way through. A couple more days maybe, depending on whether I can kick my lazy arse into gear.
Another rec because I am feeling luverly today...
Tissue of Silver Another popular one, I know, but I cannot resist 'em. This is a gorgeous story full of the kind of cleverness that brings a real edge to a classic, makes it fresh and an enduring pleasure to read. Harry Potter is guarding the life of a Seer Draco in a future!fic that sees them as sophisticated adults dealing with issues of the heart that just don't change with age. There are beautiful moments of tenderness coupled with very palpable tension and a candour existing between Draco and Snape that is very funny.
A Must Read. See the capitals, people, go read it.