if you thought amanda woodward were the bizzle in french awesomeness then you dont know what you missed on rage saturday night...
(ive taken the liberty of underlining the extra-ridiculous bits for your reading convenience)
+Plastic started out as the drummer for the group Hubble Bubble, which is one of the first Belgian punk bands.
+By 1978, Plastic was a star with a sex, drugs and rock n' roll lifestyle. In a Cannes hotel he set fire to the curtains and in a New York establishment he broke everything in his room with an axe, before throwing it all out the window
+By 1986, Plastic had put on so much weight that he looked like a bloated Elvis and failed to recognise himself in the mirror
+In his down time Plastic cultivated his secret passion for scrabble - he recently played the world champion and won and has secured a place on the panel of the Festival of Board Games.
+These days (when not scrabbling), Plastic keeps himself busy with his own art gallery, where he has hosted a show dedicated to bovine beauty.
thankyou Belle & Sebastian for introducing me to one of Belgium's finest exports, yes, thats right, he's not even french! and if you saw the clip you'd be 10x more impressed like i am (and everything he's done will seem increasingly stupid). think spastic convulsive dancing in a zippy little pink and black vinyl number in front of a whirlwind of psychadellic 80's popping shapes. plastic bertrand, you are my hero. enjoyxo