Aug 10, 2004 22:52
Ever have those days where it seems like one minute your cracking jokes and laughing your ass off but then all of a sudden u get the urge to just sit in a ball in a coner and hide from the world? if so then you feel my pain. But thestrange thing is Im perfectly fine. Im healthy, i have a few friends I talk to on a regular basis but I wish we talked on the phone more Or hell lived close enough to hang out at least more than once every three months or so. I dont know if i bummed out about being 21 soon or not. I mean everyones making such a big deal about it which is fine but I dont feel alot like celebrating a damn thing but hopeflly by the time it gets here i'll be in a better mood...
Too all ofyou who's journals havent coimmented In lately, I do apologize and I promise comments very soon. I finally have my computer back hopefully for awhile this time ::fingers crossed:::
I love you all and dont be strangers!:::hugs to all:::