Jun 17, 2004 22:47
Hey everybody..whats up....I was in the dark formost of the evening. My power went out arround 6 so i was kinda down about that. Although I talked to my friend Jaimee tonight. We were laughing majority of the time. Fun times..speaking of jaimee, this is yet another survey i borrowed from her..Thank You
♥Livin' Wit♥
♥Fav Colorz♥
♥Fav Food♥
♥Fav Pop♥
♥Fav Alcoholic Drink♥
♥Fav Candy♥
♥Fav Song♥
♥Fav Car♥
♥Fav Disney Movie♥
♥Fav other movie♥
♥Fav T.V. Show♥
♥Fav Animal♥
♥Fav saying*
♥On my feet♥
♥#1 Best Friendz♥
♥What gets me hyper as shit♥
Other than that everything else is good. anywho talk to you later