I just downloaded/installed 'Shine', and trying to customize for my LJ.
Having some problems though:
~ How do I delete the television and film boxes? I tried doing it in the advanced theme console, but got some error messages and it didnt work.~ How do I edit the links @ the left side with my own (and maybe add sub-heads
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3. Open your theme layer. Find this:
# kunzite1, component-help/589908 #
# overrides page_layout(Page p) #
### Putting Components on Both Sides.
# First we start with the "editting the page layout" code.
function page_layout(Page p) {
# Set this to the width that you want both the navbar (if it exists) and the whole journal to be
# may be percentage (70%) or number of pixels (700px).
var string k1Swidth = "763px";
var string k1Sheader_url = "http://www.yourimagehost.com/bjshineimg1.jpg"; # optional header image url
var string k1Sheader_alt = "$p.journal.username [at] livejournal [dot] com"; # optional header image alt text
And replace the bolded area with the url to the header ( ... )
Thanks so much!
is there a way to legnthen the part in the layout where the entries are? noticing photos are getting cut off, but theres no 'bar' @ the bottom to move within the entry.
is it possible to change the cursor to the one used on this page (on the mouseover)...
thanks again! *goes back to her corner for asking so many questions*
I'm not really familar with how custom cursors work. It's possible, I've seen it before. But, I did find this tutorial from pamelajoy.
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