Oct 26, 2005 02:26
yesterday i went to my friend's house, the first thing his mom asks when i walk in "you got any weed?" as if i am responsible for getting them high. then when i said no she gave me this look like "why didn't you bring it, you always bring it, get me high now dammit."
ok let me explain something.
there's a big difference when asking me for weed, and me sharing a bowl because i feel like it.
if you ASK me for MY weed, then i lose respect for you and am inclined to avoid those type of people.
now i don't mind sharing when i WANT to. but every fucking body in that house always asks me to pack up another bowl or whatever and quite frankly i am god damn tired of it. i am not your weed fairy, i am not there to cater to your needs. the MAIN reason i go over there is so that *I* can get high because i can't at home. sure i have to share with everyone else but at least it's a safe place for me to relax.
anyway, don't ever fucking ask me for weed. i'll share it if i want to. that's all.