All right, guys. It's like this. I LOVE THE KINK MEME. FOR REAL. Because of that (AND I'M INSANE) I decided, in fact, that I would make a new archive here for the kink meme, just in case something happens to the comm because WE CAN'T LOSE ALL OF THAT GOODNESS.
I'm going through the prompts in order of request (part 1 first, and so on) and reposting complete fills of prompts only. Works-in-progress will be linked to, and unfilled prompts will be left until they are filled.
I am in the process of reposting fic and making a master list here - expect that soon!
As I get things posted the tags list will grow! I am taking suggestions on tags to make for this, since I'm not really the expert on this whole thing. (YET LOL)
ALL FIC is under lj-cut if it is more than 100 words in length. Whether or not there are sexytimes, whether it's gen, het, or slash, whatever. Anything that might require a warning will include a warning.
As far as ratings go - I'm not putting them on any fic unless the author specified a rating. I sometimes have a hard time determining what to rate my own fic; I'm not going to attempt to rate someone else's work! If there's sexytimes, I'll let you know in the "warnings".
If an author posted the fill on their personal/fanfic journal I will simply link to their entry (or entries, as the case may be).
I'll accept any suggestions! :D
Love, your friendly neighborhood... um, something,
mana_katana [07/02] P.S. I am getting back to archiving filled prompts today. I've been busy with real life, work and all that jazz. Work, mostly. Real life as a close second.