Jul 27, 2009 11:12
Looks like it's that time: we are once again accepting claims for filled and unfilled prompts for parts 9 and 10. Leave us a comment letting us know which section you would like, and if you require either of the passwords they will be PM'd to you.
Unfilled Prompts
Part Nine, pages 1-20
Part Nine, pages 21-40
Part Nine, pages 41-close
Part Ten, pages 1-20
Part Ten, pages 21-40
Part Ten, pages 41-close
Filled Prompts
Part Ten, pages 1-20
Part Ten, pages 21-40
Part Ten, pages 41-close
We would like to remind all new/potential indexers to take a look at our sticky post (at the top of the "recent entries" page) to familiarize themselves with our FAQ and guidelines.
Thanks, guys! Unless the rate at which the kink meme is progressing changes, expect another claims post around August 3rd.
claims post