quick issue

Jul 05, 2009 11:20

Heads up, guys! Apparently there are a number of unfilled prompts that have accidentally been indexed in the filled account. I know that sometimes strange things happen to your brain once you've been indexing the meme for a few hours in a row, but please try to be careful of this.

The st_xi_kink account is for filled prompts only; the st_xi_kinkunfilled account is for unfilled prompts only. Additionally, if you're looking after a section for both the filled and unfilled accounts, be aware of which account you're actually signed into!

If you come across an unfilled prompt indexed on st_xi_kink and you have access to the account, tag it with "for:st_xi_kinkunfilled" so that it can be indexed there, and then deleted.

If you do not have access to the account, please leave us a comment here or PM me with the link so that we can take care of it.

Thanks for all your hard work, everyone! ♥

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