(no subject)

Dec 14, 2007 11:01

So I have this tooth that has been hurting for a couple of days... a lot.
I have tried to get a dentist to see me, and most wont even accept a person wihtout insurance and on top of htat those that do, wont even consider doing a payment plan with me. I have no credit becuase I have never had a credit card, nor have I started payment on my loans.. so i have nothing

Oh and the one place I foudn out here that work with people like me, you have to become qualified to become a patient.. and they only do qualifications twice a year.. I missed that by only a few days.. yippie.

Luckily Mom says that J and TJ foudn a place that worked with them,, and mandy Says that Kathy knows of a place that worked with her.... But they are both back at home so I have to wait until at least wednesday if not later to get my tooth fixed or even looked at. So I am taking tons of ibprofen, and asprin, and using the orajel.. whcih only works for 20 min... Just have to get through less then a week....

The saddest part is that it hurts to close my mouth all the way... (as in teeth together) so eating is AWFUL.. and i love eating :(
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