May 26, 2008 23:03
I found out, that, the MHz crew from Columbus Ohio, and SA Smash, along with the Weathermen, Nighthawks and countless other groups have lost one of their greatest rapper. Camu Tao, aka Tero Smith, died Sunday, May 25th after a two year battle with lung cancer. The real hiphop scene has lost a true great, and he will be as sorely missed as Lamont "Big L" Coleman, and Anthony Ian "Poetic/The Grym Reaper" Berkeley. You will be sorely missed, and I give all those who were close to Tero, whether through music or life, my deepest condolances. I hope good can come from this, like another of the various Gangstarr joints saying "Big L rest in peace" and Poetics posthumous duet with Last Emperor "One Life" from the album Music, Magic, Myth can help all to remember such a gifted musician. RIP