Aug 02, 2005 20:58
i got ready for the Castle. Steph called me cause they got lost-ish, but then they found my dads house. then we were off to the Castle!
Stpen and I got there before Julie and Kenny. but when Julie came we were like "where's kennith?" turns out he didnt answer his phone, so he ended up not going. while Julie was "buying" her game of mini golf i called kenny cause Stephaien doesnt like to call people. i told him i was sorry? i still dont know why, but we are taking him to the movies next friday =P to see teh Dukes of Hazzard! i want to see that movie =)
so we played our mini golf...i got 58, Steph got 66 ((hahahah)) and Julie won with a 55. she didnt beat me by that much =) after golf we got ice cream. and Stephs was sliding off her cone! lmao! i got done to the last bite of my cone and choc-o-late ice cream goes on my pants, so it almost looks like i peed my pants? btu it was ice cream so it didnt look like that? idk, but it got on the back of my pant leg too. those are the pants that can never stay clean, i swear they cant. so after our ice cream we went to go on the go-karts and i was complaining about how much it costs to buy a card to take one ride..$5. jeeze can we say expensive, i spent money i dont even have! ti was funn, Julie beat us, but thats cause i was trying to stay with Steph, part of the time anyway. then at the end she kept bumping into me!
after that we umm played in the arcade? yes we did =)
i got my sunglasses! that dont even fit my face =(
i got to name stephanie's cell phone, cause she names EVERYTHING but didnt name her cell phone and i said i would =) so one of the games had this clown lady and her name was Big Bertha! so Steph's cellular device is named Bertha! hahaha
after the arcade it was off to get me a churro, cause i have never had one, until today =P they are really really goooood.
ummm then we decided we would walk the course(s) cause we still had liek an hour till we said we were leaving. our excuse for going back onto the course was julie lost her earrings, no her sunglasses. then we were looking for my boyfriend Bertha =)..Bertha Jackson. lmfao!!!!
good times great times.
it was a lot of fun.
friday i get to see Sarah, finally! and i get to spend the weekend with her.
then next friday we are going to the movies, me, steph, julie, kenny, and i think we are going to see if Bennet wants to go, if he doesnt have a hot date again =P