Yup yup... I actually went to Japan, without my husband, for AX and SPJA...
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I left for Japan on April 24 (at 12PM) and landed in Japan on April 25 at 5pm. No it didn't take 24+ hours to fly, but the dang date line is what makes it tricky ^_^;
The flight was fun tho, talking to my friend about Japan and things I need to know. Quite a bit to absorb, like how to read an address. 3-1-1 Blank-ku, Blank, means you look at Ward Bank, area 2 of Blank-ku, block number 1, building 1. And mind you the blocks are not neccesarrily in order, nor the buildings. It's numbered by when it was built. Confused the heck out of me at first, but was a lot of fun. Having maps printed out for the taxi driver and yourself to find the right building helps a lot when wandering around Japan.
Of course, who can forget the in-flight movies. JAL, which is the airline I flew on, had about 10 or so different movies to watch, in addition to being able listen to various music stations, etc. So if a person didn't remember to bring anything to read or was not planning on sleeping on the flight, there was something to do....
Then there's the landing and getting to the hotel. It was decided after picking up the rental cellphones and getting our money exchanged, we would take the JR express to make the travel a bit easier. Assigned seats, no stops, space to store luggage, and trays for food and snacks. A little bit more expensive, but so worth it.
Arrived at our hotel,
Hotel Avanshell in Akasaka around 8pm (Japan time of course). Wow... Let's just say just riding in the train and taxi is an eye opener. I'll have more to post later.
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