May 14, 2009 11:22
i always feel like i should be saying something provocative. something important here. someone even said i should be writing a blog about saving money and green living. maybe i'll consider it. we'll see.
i'm listening to emily jane white. i can't seem to find the song that i fell in love with her with. does that make sense?
things i have been doing:
1. making bread - for those who freak out at the thought of working through bread, and how difficult it is, i can only say, go get the book Artisan bread in five Minutes a day, and it will change your bread lifestyle. it's fantastic. i have made quite a few of the breads in there and they have all been great. the granola bread is delightfully moist and sweet. the olive oil bread is perfect for stromboli, pizza dough, calzone, pita etc. just a great tender bread. the oatmeal bread is very hearty and worthy of a good soup. next on the list will be the super soft wheat sandwhich breads.
2. making pajama bottoms for the baby - two sundays ago, some friends of ours gave us clothes for the baby. hand me downs which are AWESOME (i am in the first place, a big fan of hand me downs. new clothes are great too. but the idea of them being free! and them being already loved is grand. and you also get clothes that you possibly couldn't afford, wouldnt' have seen because of your locale, and something you may have sneered at because it is not your style. it's always a surprise.)
In the bag of clothes was a sweet set of pajamas from baby gap. They are pink flannel, with a matching long sleeved pajama top, just like a grown up pajama top. very very sweet. now the baby has a good amount of pajamas but she always needs more. when you have children, you will understand.. she has some up thruogh I think 4T, a couple sets in each size. these are msotly the big romper things, with feet, or without feet, the big giant unitards with the long zipper from ankle to collarbones.
I was so enchanted by the little pajamas, i thought, if only i could make them. then i rememebered, my mother worked in a dress factory and made a lot of our clothing. so we had a sewing day on tuesday. cut out the pattern which is the MOST annoying thing, and started cutting the fabric. by the end of the day i had made one, and only one, pair of pajama botoms. but on wednesday, i made three pairs of pajama bottoms. so i'm getting the hang of it. next will be the shirts. i'm not sure if i dare tackle that on my own.
but they are very sweet. flannel, that was free!
3. reading up on a healthier lifetyle/diet - i am leaning again towards semi vegetarianism. i know i seem to say this more often. but i am getting tired of the typical food regime. i am also getting tired of all of the garbage in food. so i'm exploring more grains, more organic ideas, more adventuresome cooking. i have started to rediscover, with making all this bread of late, that i do love to cook. i just hate to clean the kitchen. and as my kitchen in exceedingly small, it is always needing to be cleaned.
so as for reading: Super Natural cooking by Heidi Swanson which I LOVE (i may have to buy it used somewhere); Food to live by from Earth Bound farm (which was the first organic farm to sell and market to the retail sector.. and it all started with raspberries); Super Foods RX; and of course Artisan bread in five Minutes a day. Another book came in yesterday.
along with that my father is still borderline diabetic, so says the most recent bloodwork. I dont want to be dealing with that. so if i can figure this out, if i can change my eating habits, then i can change my health. diabetes was one of the things i was most frightened of during pregnancy. luckily i escaped it, but i was also close. yet in changing a few things in my diet - whole wheat, more fruit etc - i saw a difference and the dr saw a difference, in just two weeks time.
3 1/2. Lots of reading - I am reading like crazy. I just finished Farneheit 451. I am reading Brideshead Revisited by Waugh. I got out of the library Lovely Bones. I read the very first part of it and i had to drop the book and put it away. It was beautifully written. The writer knows what she's doing. But it's incredibly disturbing (to me it was). my love asked if I was disappointed. and I said disappointed was the wrong word. Disappointed usually for me involves quality. Like Twilight was disappointing and insanly frustrating because the writer has this great story, but she can't write her way out of a cardboard box. well maybe a cardboard box, but definitely not a garage. Lovely bones, it is beautiful. it is great writing, lovely word choice, vivid imagery, really great stuff. But it would be like watching Constantine, or Pans Labrynth.. skillful, beautiful but disturbing. My sister said skip the first part and just go to the next. I dont know if I can pick it up again. i was terrified i would have nightmares last night.
Things I need to do:
1. make a yogurt.
2. make a menu for dinners, things involving more whole grains and less fat, and rubbish.
4. quilt.
5. tidy up.
6. fold laundry. maybe.
7. kitchen.
8. research possible job locations for next year. apparently there's only two places in the country that don't need teachers desperately. Illinois and the Wyoming Valley. guess where we live, in great proximity? I'll give you hint - it's not illinois! so yeah. we'll see what happens but yeah...
I am getting antsy to write again. i've taken a break from requiem for just a spell. i sent it out to some friends for eyes and i'm waiting a little bit before i jump back in. but i'm getting antsy to write more. i keept hinking - if stephanie meyer can write twilight, so badly and make millions why cant i write somethign really great, and make millions? is hould be able to do what she did and do it better.
but first, a nap.