Feb 08, 2009 12:25
lazy sunday.
thats what today has been though it wasn't intended to be. I was supposed to be speaking in church today. my love and i both were. but the baby is sick. she's had a cold since tuesday-ish, and she needs to rest. so she and i didn't go to church today. i still had toi write my talk. i wrote it out word for word - something i never ever do - and emailed it to my mom who was going toi stand at the pulput with a big Hello My Name is ____ tag and read my talk. i'm curious to hear how it went.
i talked about tolerance, inclusion, about seeing beyond our differences, and embracing our commonalities. a lot of it came from Elder Ballard's talk from 2001 (i thin it was 2001) The Doctrine of Inclusion. I am really curious ot hear how it went and the response to it.
i made home made cereal bars. they tate like baked oatmeal just in bar form. good stuff.
finished the Olivia quilt for the baby. She saw it and grabbed it. makes me smile to know that i made her smile. it is a cool quilt, and olivia the pig is awesome. but the baby makes it better :)
the dairy goat and cow discussion has been tabled for a while. right now with our circumstances and my love going back to school for a year and a half, and me still working part time, the labor might be too much. we may just end up getting milk from a local farmer and leaving a donation on the table when their backs are turned. maybe in the future.
maple tapping season has begun. my love brought back a huge barrel already filled with sap. the weather has gotten warmer suddenly and it may just be the beginning of the season, but it could be a good season.
baby is getting better. she's had a cold. i mentioned that i know. but she's sleeping better. her congestion seems to be easing and i'm spraying saline in her nose all the time hoping to thin out the mucus and all of that. i just dont want this to get gross and turn into bronchitis. but i think she'll be ok.
found out my neice who has had bronchitis and has been in lock down because of it, got tired of being indoors, that she snuck out of the house, and got caught outside when she was supposed to be inside. talk about trouble.... so mom printed out tons of worksheets, and activity games via the computer for her to do while under house arrest. can't tell who her daddy is can you..that sounds like something my brother would have done.
i think it is nap time. i do belive so.
i had other things to say.... like how every time i open one of my friend's books that she gave me, i just bout cry... or how i am loving reading them to myself and to my daughter, but it's still hard... this one is going to take a while to heal i think.
still pondering phd but not right now for the time being.
desperately want to get the wuthering heights on dvd from masterpiece theater. i am that geek.... someone asked me how it was a love story and i had to think about it. heathcliff is not a nice fellow. he could have been nice. but he becomes terrible.. i think it is a love story because catherine and heathcliff love each other so much they destroy everything else around them if they aren't together. i really think that is how it works... and most of the book is them not together... so it's them destroying everything around themselves. some out of revenge and spite, a lot out of revenge and spite...but it's always motivated by the love for the other.. in some strange way....
i dreamt of scotland last night....