Mar 25, 2021 19:59
The _Confession_ itself is a rather simple telling of the life of St. Patrick of Ireland. A Briton who was taken as a slave by Irish raiders, discovered faith while there, escaped, returned home, and was inspired to become an apostle to the Irish.
There is no reference in it to the various miracles associated with Patrick, nor, indeed, of many of the details found in most of the pious Lives of Patrick written over the centuries. (Nope, no driving out snakes; no explaining the Trinity with a shamrock.) Patrick comes across as a simple but fervently religious man who took on a mission and lived it to the end of his life.
What hurts this editoin, in my opinion, is the introduction by the translator, an Anglican priest who, in the 1850s, was determined to prove at any cost that St. Patrick was not a Catholic. This is, frankly, ridiculous; Catholics and heretics was all there were at that point in history (the fifth century). It is simply another case of Protestant ahistorical insistence that the Catholic Church is a relatively late development; the problem with it is that it implies strongly that there was no legitimate Church in Western Europe for close on a thousand years, and Luther singlehandedly figured out the truth behind the Romish lies.