So a picture is gradually emerging of Samuel Alito that suggests that he may be (once again) as good a choice as we're likely to get from the current Administration.
Yes, he's a conservative. Well, duh. Nobody really expected that the Resident was going to pick a liberal, right? So what we have to deal with is a choice of what kind of conservative.
Alito's conservatism seems ... nuanced. His background includes a rather significant
defense of gay rights and right-to-privacy, one of the cornerstones of Roe. On the other hand, he has written one dissenting opinion that suggests he might, on the high bench, vote to limit "right-to-choice" in ways that may offer some concern, and found in favor of a religious group's right to preach against gays on a public campus.
Perhaps most amusing to me: he'll fit right in with the neocon leadership, because
he's another damn chickenhawk, another young conservative who conveniently avoided service in Vietnam while doing his best to look patriotic at it.
Well, it's interesting anyway. I suspect that the Senate Democrats would do better not to filibuster on this one.