Dec 10, 2004 01:05
I'm doing pretty good - I'm 100% on pace with that "to do list" that I made for myself and I think I'm going to nail my finals next week. That's so awesome that I'll be done with the semester in one more week. I'll never have to do calculus again in my life! =) And some great news was e-mailed to me today ... I'm approved to move out of this horrible dark dorm room and move in with Nassim and Jim at Charter Oak. Huge news. I was actually thinking about living at home and commuting if I didn't switch rooms. Now I actually look forward to next semester, it's going to be some fun times. So my problem with my classes got fixed, my dorm situation got fixed - I'm pumped.
A couple weird dreams lately that I would like to share ... In one dream, Don got mad at us and marched off into the woods and everyone just laughed at him. But I went after him and we ended up lost in the woods until we found Arnold - the terminator! So he brought us to this haunted house and we went inside ... Well, Arnold didn't understand the whole concept of a haunted house so when a witch jumped out at us, he blew her away with his gun! So we all walked out of the haunted house, completely traumatized, crying, blood covering us, and everyone else in line thinks it's all part of the show and they're like "Whoa cool! I can't wait to go inside!" haha ... I promise I'm not doing LSD, I just trip when I'm sleeping. The next one, just really random, I was taking a plane from Providence to Boston and Karryne was waiting for me at the air port and she was pissed because I was really late. And I told her "I'm just stepping off the plane now" but I lied, I was actually just getting onto the plane to go to Boston. Weird huh? And then today, I took a short nap, and in this dream, I walk outside of the door next to my dorm room, and there was a hill with this fancy club on top and standing in line was Frank Fazzino, Zack Sousa, Fish, and a couple other guys ... They were all dressed up. And they were like "yo you coming up the hill tonight?" and I was like "nah - I got this calculus to do ..." They all seemed to understand. Weird sleeping patterns lately ... I think I'm having insomnia. Last night I swear I was never actually asleep. I remember that I kept seeing the clock all night. It's like the guy says in Fight Club - "when you have insomnia, you're never really asleep and you're never really awake." But actually - I feel great right now. Couldn't be better.