Sea Ship Singer On a Ship Of Noise

Jun 15, 2007 12:03

I don't really know what exactly people say. But don't believe all of it. *edit* Thank you.

I'm home. I want to leave again though. I've found a perfect song to explain my mood about life in Arizona. It would be called Nausea by Beck.

I will never ever have a boyfriend again. I've decided that it is the least likely thing to happen to be. Someone I know put it best by saying basically, that no one could handle me. It's sad, but I am beginning to think it true. Who really needs a committed relationship anyway? I will just enjoy the open bars at all of my friends weddings, and second weddings, and maybe even third weddings until I check-out. I'd rather not slow anyone down or test anyone else's patience. Not only is it time consuming, but also exhsausting. Even friendships don't work out that well.

School is a bitch, and I haven't even started yet. I just can't seem to get a response. Maybe I'm just not meant for it. I feel sick. I miss my sister and my niece. I have an empty feeling in my stomach. I haven't eaten for quite sometime I suppose that could be why. While I was there, I had someone to talk to. That is something I have realized. I spend a lot of time completely alone. I talk to myself silently. While I was in Michigan, there was something new to see everyday, people who weren't sick of my worn out stories. I could make people laugh with jokes I've already used. I don't take that for granted. It's just cool to go somewhere and feel interesting. Now I'm here.

I will leave again.
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