profile meme!

Feb 14, 2020 19:11

[Character Name] Alice
[Canon] Pandora Hearts
[Point Taken from Canon] After she's taken away with Leo by Yura to be a sacrifice.

[Age] looks 13. but totally not.
[Gender] female
[Sexual Orientation] hetero but she doesn't even know what that means.

[Eye Color] Amethyst.
[Hair Color] Brown.
[Height] 4'9
[Other] Nothing really.
[Clothing] what she's wearing on arrival. the bottom panel.


due to my lazyness


If you were to judge a book by it's cover, one would consider Alice to be a loud, obnoxious, and fairly confident young girl. And, well, on the outside that is exactly what she is! Upon first encounter with anyone, the 'Blood Stained Rabbit' puts up a an extraordinarily dauntless demeanor. She feels as if she's automatically better than those around her and enjoys to push them around. She won't be taking the orders around here, she'll be the one giving them. But if someone tries to tell her otherwise, she'll quickly put them in her place with her queen-like status. She has a right to this part of her personality seeing as she had been shaped this way due to all her time in the Abyss. In there, she's the strongest Chain known and in the real world people tend to fear her. So, why wouldn't she feel like she can step on everyone else? She isn't afraid to do it and will just go right on ahead and boss others around. But if someone took a deeper look into Alice's ways, they'll find out that somewhere inside there is the young girl she derived from.

Apart from her exceedingly snobby behavior, Alice wears her emotions on her sleeve and has nothing to hide. Sometimes she doesn't even know why she feels such things due to her loss of memories but when she cries, she'll cry. And when she's mad, she'll throw things around with a wild tantrum. But just because she shows her emotions when they come on, she's still very strong-willed regardless of a fragile darling somewhere beneath her thick shell. She has fears just like anyone else. Her biggest, though, is being left alone without an existence to live out within the world. Along with that, she's afraid that when she finds her lost memories she won't like what she sees since it was her choice to scatter them in the first place. But regardless, Alice is a headstrong girl and will plow through anything that gets in her way when she knows what she wants. Nothing will stop her when she gets started.

Putting her queen-status and determination aside, Alice can be considered somewhat innocent. Not in the "kind" or "sweet" girl type of way (though she will try to use those tactics once in a blue moon to get what she wants i.e; wanting meat from gilbert) but in the child-like mentality. Because of the memories she lost, she's doesn't remember much of anything or how to do things. That's also another reason why she doesn't know why she feels some emotions at times. Especially 'compassion' and 'jealousy'. She even asked Sharon what those meant, getting the response of calling them 'Bittersweet'. Of course, Alice did not have a clue of what she meant and thought you could actually taste such things. She's clueless when it comes down to it, actually. Most of the time when something is mentioned that she has no recollection about, she'll ask "Is that some kind of food? Is it good to eat?" or something along those lines. She is quite the glutton, after all. She'll even try to eat things if she's on her own when she's hungry; even flowers.

Focusing on another side of Alice, she isn't just all bite. She has a softer side that is mostly focused towards Oz. It was him, after all, that brought this about her. Oz gave his word that he would find Alice's memories for her and be by her side the entire way through. Because of this, she doesn't view him as just a contractor but instead someone who she doesn't want to leave her because of such a promise. This also caused her to become extremely possessive of him. She absolutely loathes when he leaves her, sends her off to be somewhere else, or when someone seems to be getting more attention than her. When the latter happens, she enters her 'tsun' mode once more and goes as far as hurting him to get the attention she desires. Alice will even call him 'man-servant' to prove the possession she has over the Vessalius boy. She often gives nicknames to those around her on that note. I;e; Calling Gilbert Seaweed Head or Xerxes Break Stupid Pierrot (stupid clown).

The names she gives to those around her proves to be a kind of liking from her or else she wouldn't even remember their name at all for that matter. Just because she yells at the ones around her doesn't mean she hates them. As a matter of fact, if the chance ever came up she would protect them. Even Xerxes. Alice would never admit to such feelings though. She'd deny such things if they were even brought up in conversation and call whoever inquired her of such things stupid or something just like that.

In the end, Alice is just a small girl who doesn't want to be alone. She isn't afraid to show her feelings either even if there were consequences to follow. To those who seem to get to know her would find this out. But for those on the sidelines who don't even try, all they'll see is a spoiled, loud-mouthed brat who enjoys to boss people around to make herself feel like a ruler. That's absolutely their fault though.


Alice is the infamous Blood Stained Rabbit from the Abyss. She didn't just get this name. She earned it with her amazing strength and power. She's the most well known and strongest Chain within the Abyss. When she releases her power, she transforms into an enormous black rabbit with red eyes and wields a red scythe along with it. She has the ability to destroy anything that gets in her way. But apart from that, she also has her animal instinct or a sixth sense. She can tell when something bad is approaching or if someone is depressed or upset or anything along those lines. There's no lying about it when it comes to this little rabbit.

[Affection] What type of affections are allow/disallowed and would your character do this to others?

[Fighting] She would definitely invoke fighting. She's a snobby brat a lot of the time anyway. She'd enjoy a fight but all her strength lies with her powers that Gilbert sealed away.

[Other Permissions] If you have something in mind that you're questioning for SURE, we can talk about it! But yeah telepathy is allowed, all that blahblahblah. Anything major though, we should go over first.

[Other Facts] she's a loud-mouthed brat who enjoys meat.

profile meme

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