Aug 04, 2011 02:06
Serious update? More like getting things off my chest.
I don't know what happened. But I'm changing. Not like, growing a tail(unfortunately). But me as a person. A lot of things I used to dislike and even hate are becoming more tolerable, nay even likable. Tea. Lemonade. Even the heat is losing is death grip on me as I find myself traversing outside more and more in 80+ weather.
And things that used to get me through my day are now poisonous. Soda. Video games. I couldn't tell you the last time I watched a live broadcast television show
My mind is somehow more and less focused. I can do things more consistently. Exercise. Biking. Adventure times, all come easily now.
Love. That's been tricky as of late. No one can seem to keep my interest. As if I have "love a.d.d.". It's fucking annoying. But its making me realize maybe I shouldn't settle. Don't overlook things that I don't like and certainly don't get blinded by tiny things that make me adore some one. It may be a while until I find a near perfect match, but the wait will be worth it.
I just have to keep going out. Getting out. New places. New people. New experiences. Never stop learning. Never stop evolving.
Never Stop.