I like...
my life most of the time
Finish the Sentence
My ex is ......
who gives a shit!
Maybe I should ...
stick it out at this shitty job in case I do get pregnant
I love ....
Brandon, chocolate, Fluffy Puffins, Collective Soul
I don't understand ...
drivers who feel the need to get in my way in the left lane of the highway and not even go above the speed limit!!!!
I lost my...
enjoyment of my job a few weeks ago when it changed.
People would say that I'm ....
not normal, loud, serious, outgoing, friendly, easily amused by the stupid things in life, kind, generous, responsible, warm, sincere, honest, loyal, loving, trouble, klutzy, risk-taker
Love is ....
awesome when you find the right person to give it to.
Somewhere, someone is ....
having a better time than me right now.
I will always ...
feel like my mom prefers my brothers over my sisters and me and picks favorites.
Forever is ....
probably not going to happen.
I never want to....
live longer than Brandon does.
I think the current President is ....
pretty crappy like the last one.
When I wake up in the morning ...
On weekdays, I drag myself out of bed to go to a job I hate, on weekends, get moving so we can make the most of the days.
Life is full of ...
uncertainties, learn to adapt.
My past is....
pretty damn colorful!
I get annoyed when ...
I am running late.
Parties are....
always fun, even if I don’t know that many people.
I wish ....
I were pregnant already!
My dog is ....
Fluffy Puffins, my little Puffingirl, my guardian angel.
My cat is...
Ugh, I hate it….it was my husband’s before we met, I wish it would freakin’ die already - its making my allergies and asthma so much worse.
Kisses are the worst when ...
someone has bad breath.
Tomorrow I'm going to ...
the Collective Soul concert in AC!!!!!!!!!!
I really want ...
a baby, we’ve been trying for over a year and a half now.
I have low tolerance for people who ...
assume things.
If I had a million dollars ...
I’d quit my job and Brandon would quit his, pay off our parents’ mortgages, sell our house and get a bigger one and be a stay at home mom when I have kids and travel the world.
If I Had $100,000...
I’d pay off our mortgage, finish the remodeling on the house, add an addition onto it, trade in our cars for an suv and a sports car.
If I Had $10,000....
I’d pay off mine and my husband’s cars.
If I Had $1,000......
We’d put the hardwood floor in the kitchen that we want to.
If I Had $100....
We’d go on a shopping spree for fun stuff.
If I Had $10....
I’d use it in Bath & Body Works.