(no subject)

Apr 21, 2006 16:33

okay - kelly went out and bought me some go-go juice, so even though i don't feel any awake-er, i have to try and fake it.

so, this message is for kenny:
can you email me norm's email addy? i lost it...
thank you

and also, i think i've blown out the left speaker on my desk. we will need new speakers real soon.

my day has been boring; i've caught robin's i-don't-want-to-work-today sickness. he's had it all week and now i have it and he's better.

oh wait! something cool DID happen today!!! kelly and i had lunch with the five barans! chase is getting so big and it's sad that i don't know him. but peirce and fiona were so happy to see us; peirce asked about dominick and aerin... he wants to play duckduckgoose with us. :) and fiona has learned to swallow air and burp on command. she's three. hahahahaha

so that was grood. and now i'm winding up my day and going home to shower for youth group. maybe i'll wear dance-friendly attire...and bring my camera. :)

okay, i'm leaving - much love from me...
myself :)

pray for alex; she not feels good.

on another totally unrelated note: olivia rocks for ever!
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