all the lonely boys (volume ii)

Oct 24, 2012 13:47

friendship!kai/chanyeol | kaihun | krisyeol | PG | high school AU
1, 890 words | volume i

jongin damn nearly screams his lungs out as he watches chanyeol-hyung blushes furiously after the gigantic, black haired, fancy car driver guy kisses his plump lips and proceeds to stroke his hip like-

this is not happening. not now when jongin is finally making peace with his stupid nine year old self and trying to indulge the luxury that is having an older brother; a particular park chanyeol that is supposed to have undivided attention only for him.

the name is wu yifan, a canadian-chinese exchange student from canada, currently enrolled in seoul national university majoring in asia studies.

also, “he’s my boyfriend!” chanyeol-hyung shyly concludes the information as they ride the bus back from school.

jongin wants to die.

according to his umma, he finds out that chanyeol-hyung is aiming to get a scholarship to canada and she thinks it’s time for jongin to join an english course to sharpen his english and maybe to follow chanyeol-hyung’s excellent step.

jongin easily agrees.

he gets into the same english course where chanyeol-hyung goes every weekend. because chanyeol-hyung is a senior and therefore he has cram school on weekdays, jongin uses his leisure time as an idle freshman to watch how chanyeol-hyung clings to wu yifan as they go on a date to the cinema, to a fancy cafe full with foreigners and expensive foods, to a cinema again, and when jongin is thisclose to hurt wu yifan’s handsome face a pair of skinny hands are holding onto his trembling ones from behind.

“don’t,” a tiny voice says.

jongin is never good with words. his emotion doesn’t show that much. he shoves the intruder off of his body and meets a pale boy; short, wearing jongin’s middle school uniform, and the first thing jongin notices is how the puckering lips are pinker than any girls’.

jongin walks away to the opposite side when the boy doesn’t elaborate. chanyeol-hyung and wu yifan are hugging now.

“which one?” the same tiny voice asks. “jongin-hyung, which one.”

jongin halts. what the actual fuck.

“it’s the girly looking one, right?” he’s lisping. “because no way you would go for yifan-ge.”

what the actual fucking fuck.

“i mean, i’ve been suspicious that yifan-ge is finally seeing someone. he sure smiles a lot like a fool in love. he’s so popular, you know? i just didn’t know that he swings both ways. well, that boy is pretty, i guess. hyung, do you like him?”

jongin’s answer is, “who the fuck are you.”

“annyeonghaseyo, oh sehun imnida,” the boy bows, not even looking hurt the slightest by jongin’s harsh words. “i’m your hobae. see?” he fucking twirls for jongin in that white shirt and dark blue slacks.

jongin remains indifferent.

oh sehun pouts.

“i’m actually your fan. and you have to do what i want or i will tell the lovebirds that you’ve been stalking them,” he smiles cheekily. he has a pretty eyesmile and he holds up his phone for jongin to see.

see what?


“nope, don’t speak. i have evidences, okay, i’ve been videotaping you for a couple of weeks. yifan-ge lives with me because my hyung lives with his family in canada. you know, due to the exchange program.”

of course.

“hey, jongin-ah,” it’s a miracle. wu yifan is not picking up chanyeol-hyung for once.

was he being sarcastic?

jongin shrugs as a greeting, eyeing the quite packed bus shelter. it’s raining. chanyeol-hyung gets up from his seat to stand next to jongin.

“how is it going?” they’ve only run to each other twice at the english course building. chanyeol-hyung had treated him jjangmyun on their first meeting, and texted him later that night that he promised he will treat jongin again and again and again.

“it’s alright,” jongin frowns when their clothed arms brush.

chanyeol-hyung grins, “where’s your little boyfriend though?” jongin’s frown deepens. “awww, that short pale boy? isn’t he yours? he seems pretty sweet.”

right. sehun makes a habit to sweetly cling to jongin every single day; be it via his constant texts or ‘visiting’ jongin on the english course place. fortunately, today sehun has to accompany his umma to go shopping and he’s been whining every half an hour or so sending jongin his-fine-cute selcas and the photos of foods he eats and a very cool the joker t-shirt that i think will suit you, jonginnie-hyung!!! >__<

“he’s not mine,” jongin almost sneers. but sehun said he looks ugly when he does. he doesn’t want chanyeol-hyung to see it. so he tries to calm down. “he’s just a friend.”

“oh really? my bad,” chanyeol-hyung wriggles his eyebrows, “he’s kinda pretty~”

jongin also almost laughs out loud at that remark.

“what’s so funny?” chanyeol-hyung tilts his head with in his cute very-chanyeol-way, nudges jongin’s side with his elbow, and jongin is sure there’s something missing from the whole picture.

“jonginnie-hyung!” sehun throws himself to jongin’s chest on monday. “i’ve got you a present!” he’s attracting attention. jongin drags him to start walking to the bus shelter.

“wait, it won’t be special if i just give it to you like this,” sehun whines. “hyung, treat me bubble tea. you will like what i’m going to give you. i swear. come on, hyung.”

they take the farthest table on the small but popular bubble tea cafe, and sehun is bouncing on his seat, his cheeks are flushing an interesting shade of pink.

“what,” jongin opts to at least entertain sehun by asking.

“jjang!” sehun fishes out two pair of the joker t-shirts from his backpack. “i got us matching t-shirts! tell me you like it, jonginnie-hyung!”

“yeah,” it’s true, the t-shirt is is so cool. even better than in the jpeg format. “thanks, sehun-ah.”

and then sehun is making that face which never fails to reduce jongin’s prideful self to have an uncharacteristically fastfastfaster beating heart as he sees some kind of white light radiates from-no, all over sehun, and when sehun looks up and meets his eyes, jongin forgets to breathe.

it’s weird.

sehun doesn’t tilt his head the way chanyeol-hyung cutely does. sehun’s lips are way pinker than chanyeol-hyung’s already girly lips. usually, jongin has to look up to talk to chanyeol-hyung, but with sehun, he’s the one looking down. instead of laughing out loud like chanyeol-hyung, sehun giggles. and it’s jongin who gets to be called ‘hyung’ by sehun. whatever that is chanyeol-hyung, sehun is not.

yet, the blinding white light is still there even after jongin neglects the younger boy for almost two weeks.

sehun is noticeably calmer. he doesn’t cling to jongin’s arm when they cross the red light. he had refused jongin’s offer to pay for his bubble tea, but jongin paid anyway because that’s the right thing a hyung like him should do. sehun asks boring things like homework and doesn’t blabber about his fourteen days without jonginnie-hyung in his life.

it’s so fucking weird.

“um, thanks for walking me,” sehun pouts to his gloved hands. “hyung doesn’t have to wait for my bus to come! if your bus comes first, you can go home!”

jongin frowns.

“why?” he asks before he can help himself. it’s not a big deal to let his bus pass just so he can accompany sehun at the bus shelter. besides, it’s quite late already. jongin has to take responsibility.

sehun sniffs, crosses his arms, and looks away.

jongin scoots closer to him, but sehun hops to stand up. jongin doesn’t understand.

“hey, what’s wrong,” jongin pulls at the krong keychain hanging on sehun’s backpack (sehun pleaded to buy it for him), but sehun doesn’t budge.

wow okay this is not good.

“sehun-ah, did i do something?” jongin moves to stand up too, just as sehun’s bus comes. then, sehun pushes at jongin’s chest before he boards the bus, and jongin doesn’t need to think twice before he too steps inside the warm bus.

sehun bursts into tears when jongin sits next to him.

they end up on the swings near sehun’s home; jongin sacrifices the sleeves of his yellow blazer to clean the remaining snow and his backpack for sehun to sit on. sehun’s eyes and nose are red, but the blinding white light surrounding his hunched body never fades.

words are not jongin’s plus point. silently, he pushes at sehun’s swing, and for a while, there’s only creaking chains to fill the awkwardness.

“umma’s been calling nonstop,” sehun turns his head to look up at jongin. jongin offers a smile. “jonginnie-hyung, i’m sorry.”

jongin wants to ask why but he decides to say, “it’s alright.”

“really?” sehun uses his feet to stop the swing. “but-but you didn’t want to meet me for two weeks!”

jongin doesn’t want sehun to cry again, so he does what people on television and movies do; he envelops sehun in an embrace. of course it’s weird how sehun’s body fits perfectly on his, but jongin learns that everything about sehun is weird beyond belief anyway he just needs to learn some more to live with it.

“do you want to sleepover?” sehun mumbles. “i can ask appa to pump an air mattress for you.”

“okay,” jongin pats sehun’s cold cheeks. “next time, do you want to sleepover in my house? i’ll have my noonas to buy you everything.”

sehun giggles, and jongin thinks it’s way cuter than chanyeol-hyung’s head tilt.

t h e e n d

“your not that cute neighbor is here,” yifan laughs at chanyeol’s loud shriek. “calm down, sugar chanchan. shrieking is not manly, remember?”

yifan lets his boyfriend to protest for a full two minutes before he continues, “he’s having a sleepover. i think he made sehuna cry. but they’ve probably made up already. your neighbor-” yifan pauses, listens, and scoffs playfully.

“-your jongin looks at sehuna like sehuna is the center of his universe. it’s, what, kiyopta?”

chanyeol says that it’s about time for his ‘kiyo dongsaeng’ to admit that sehun is his.

“don’t make me laugh, sugar, sehuna is mine,” yifan falls back to the bed for laughing so hard he has to muffle his disturbing noise with a pillow. his boyfriend is just too precious.

“oy oy i’m sorry okay? you’re mine, and don’t you forget that.” he fights the urge to coo at the stuffed red dragon chanyeol gave him as an early birthday present next to his head, because he can totally imagine how pretty chanyeol is at the moment; spluttering nonsense at his authentically wu yifan greasy words. he can’t help it. his greasiness instinct is sharpening whenever chanyeol is around, and it’s such a contradiction because up until now chanyeol still believes that he’s the coolest guy ever.

“huh? sure, sure we should watch joseph gordon-levitt tomorrow. but tell me, i’m more handsome than him, right?” yifan smirks at chanyeol’s too honest answer. “good. i gotta go, sugar, i want to taunt your neighbor-”

more protesting and even threats that if yifan ever to hurt jonginnie in any way-

“-ssh shh. just gotta make sure he won’t make sehuna cry again, okay? let’s meet in our dreams. i sarang you, sugar, mwah!”

#master-to the-list, #kpop slash

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