On the surrendering of elderly cats

May 13, 2015 17:12

Dear sir,
I do know how it is to be anticipating freedom from jobs, kids and other. However....

Surrendering a 12 year old cat, who is overweight by at LEAST 12 pounds, if not more (she's 22 pounds...and no not a 'large' breed) isn't really the best way of getting that freedom.

While I could see you were not happy at giving up the poor girl, I really feel there would have been a few better options. Like....perhaps rehoming her, if you had someone who could take her...even if they only 'boarded' her for you. Even...dare I say....wait on your travels until she passed on. She's twelve, she's badly overweight and, probably not in the best of health. Dumping her on us, having to stick the poor girl into a cage, and then hope for the best? Sorry...

I'm just hoping for the best for this girl. I'm not sure she'll actually fit into the cages out front (got her in a large cage in back...what they put puppies with parvo in) One thing is certain...I'll do my best for her, but I'm also going to be upset with the gentleman who brought her in.
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