After reviewing what we did, the group decided that we are not on the right track. Hence, we must re-think and come out with a different strategy.
We went to sort out what is the problem that we want to address.
We narrowed it down to Health and social issues.
Health (e.g. obesity and geek specs)
due to long hours looking at the screen and doing nothing else.
Social (e.g. lack of proper communication to the world or people)
due to long hours looking at the screen and doing nothing else.
We look at the factors and impacts that might be caused to the people and younger generations. However, we did not ask the public about what they think so we had to come out with surveys and interviews.
Here are the surveys and interviews forms we generated.
- teenager interview
- teenager survey
- adult survey
- child interview
- survey monkey
- 2 ideas
- concept
We came up with survey monkey for us to put out. Then, interviews which we had documented. (e.g.videos) we conducted surveys and now our two ideas.
Analysis on kiddy games
Idea 1
Target age group:
8 to 12 years old
They are not so awkward hence they would still be able to initiate friendship and such. They would prefer something more physical and group oriented.
What do they like?
- Something physical
- Visual appealing
- Thrilling
- Fun
- Something new
Why do they like it?
If is it visual appealing, they would be enticed to the games. The features and functions are crucial to the games. Games like left 4 dead is a game that creates a space for exploration. Another example, Facebook games. The visuals are direct and adorable to users.
Visually, people must be able to tell what the character is, what does it do, what is their role to the game and how can the character change the game. It must be fun and easy.
Extracting the elements…
First concept: create a space for exploration
My first research I realized that whether modern or the past. People love the thrill of exploring/ creating new things. E.g. in olden days people would go out to play physical activities from there they could create something new. From simple skipping rope to Double Dutch. Modern days, hiking to explore new places.
However, I would like to incorporate some modern technology into it. One of the science centre exhibits can project a certain audio when you are around one spot. Only you can hear it. My idea was to allow you to see something in the virtual space that you can see it.
There would be a platform for 4 players (e.g.) there would be dots indicating the spaces that one would stand in. there are four arrows surrounding the dot area. It allows you to navigate in the virtual world. The platform gives you a space to move around in the events of aggressive opponents.
This would be situated in the open space where there would be a wall with a projector on that wall. There would be platform for the players in case they do not know where to stand. They will be given a light saber which can be fired up in the virtual world. In the events of aggressive players.
Second idea:
I would like to fuse physical games from personal experiences.
What do you mean?
There are certain games that escaped my mind previously. After doing more research and looking through the types of games. I realized that the game ‘tag’ has many variations. Simple breakdown of the game: a person must be ‘IT’ who is the catcher. IT must tag/ catch someone by tapping them lightly on the shoulder and the person would be IT. E.g. what time is it, Mr. Wolf?
Another game is Twister. This is commonly played in English country. There are rows of colored circles. A person must spin the wheel on the board given. E.g. if the arrow spins to Left hand red.
The person who got it must place his/her left hand on red. This would continue until someone eventually falls down (this is only a brief introduction).
Well, I fused the idea of what time is it, Mr. Wolf and twister. However, I also incorporate educational element.
The characters change from Mr. Wolf to Mr. Math. The players will be the students and they will ask ‘what’s the next question, Mr. Math?’. Mr. math would either say ‘3 + 2 red circle, forward’ and the students would move 5 steps forward. Every step that they make must be a red circle. Or Mr. Math would say ‘failing time!’ And catch the student. For those who answer wrongly or got caught must either do a forfeit or they become Mr. Math.
interviews and surveys
Interview questions guidelines for children
These questions are conducted to help us gather more information about games.
1. How old are you?
________Year Old
2. What do you do when you are at home?
3. Other than __________, what do you do during your free time?
4. Do you play games?
o Yes
o No
5. What kind of games do you play?
[E.g. Arcade, Card, Computer, Console, Physical or Board games]
6. Do you own a ___________?
[E.g. Computer, PSP, Wii, DS Lite]
o Yes
o No
7. What games do you play?
[E.g. Maplestory, Countrystory, Pets Society etc...]
8. What games do you like most and why do you enjoy playing them?
9. What games do you like least and why do you not enjoy playing them?
10. How much time do you spend on your school work daily?
________ Hour
11. How long do you spend on playing games daily?
________ Hour
12. When you are playing games, are you aware of things happening around you?
[E.g. Mother calling you, phone ringing]
o Yes
o No
13. Will you respond to them? Why?
14. Other than PE lesson, do you participate in other physical activities?
[E.g. Catching, Skipping, Play at the playground]
15. If yes, who do you play with?
16. Will you play a game that is in the public? Why?
Interview questions guidelines for Teenagers
These questions are conducted to help us gather more information about games.
1. How old are you?
________Year Old
2. Are you working or studying?
3. What do you do during your free time?
4. Other than __________, what else do you do?
5. Do you play any games?
o Yes
o No
6. What kind of games do you play?
[E.g. Arcade, Card, Computer, Console, Physical or Board games]
7. Please list some examples of games.
[E.g. Dota, Maplestory, Restaurant City etc...]
8. Which games do you like most and why do you enjoy playing them?
9. Which type games do you like least and why do you not enjoy playing them?
10. How long do you spend on playing games daily?
________ Hour
11. When you are playing games, are you aware of things happening around you?
[E.g. Phone ringing, Kettle whistling]
o Yes
o No
12. Do you participate in any other physical activities?
[E.g. Basketball, Skiing, Ice-skating etc…]
13. If yes, who are the ones you play with?
14. Would you play a game with strangers? Why?
Adult survey
This survey is conducted to help us know and understand more on adults’ views regarding children gaming.
1. What is your age group?
* 20 to 30 year old
* 31 to 40 year old
* 41 to 50 year old
* 51 year old and above
2. Are you a parent?
* Yes
* No
3. How many child/children do you have?
4. How old are your child/children?
5. What is the gender/s of your child/children?
If you have more than one child, please state the number of children beside the choice.
o Male _____
o Female _____
6. How do your child/children spend their free time?
(You may choose more than one)
o Studying
o Sleeping
o Watching Television
o Playing games
o Shopping
o Reading
o Chatting on phone
o Others : ________________________
7. Which of the following activities do you think is most ideal for children?
(You may choose more than one)
□ Resting
□ Studying / Reading
□ Watching videos / television programs
□ Eating
□ Sleeping
□ Attending extra lessons (E.g. Music, dance, culinary etc)
□ Others: ________________________
8. Do your child/children own a personal computer/game console/mobile phone?
* Yes
* No
9. On average, how long do they spend on games daily?
* Less than an hour
* 1 to 3 hours
* 3 to 6 hours
* More than 6 hours
10. What kind of games do your child/children play?
* Arcade Games (E.g. Video games)
* Board Games (E.g. Snake and Ladder)
* Card Games (E.g. Old Maid, Uno)
* Computer Games (E.g. Facebook games, Maple Story, Neopets)
* Console Games (E.g. DS Lite, Playstation, Nintendo Wii)
* Others : _____________________
11. Rank the following games according to the amount of time your child/children spent from 1 to 5, with 1 being the shortest amount and 5 being the longest amount of time spent.
___ Arcade Games
___ Board Games
___ Card Games
___ Computer Games
___ Console Games
12. Why do you think your child/children prefer the game with the highest ranking(5) mentioned in Question 11?
13. Are you bothered by his/her/their gaming habits?
* Yes
* No
* Neutral
Teenagers survey
This survey is conducted to help us know and understand more on teenagers’ view on gaming.
1. What is your age group?
* 13 to 15 year old
* 16 to 20 year old
* 21 to 26 year old
2. What is your gender?
* Male
* Female
3. How do you spend your free time?
4. Do you play any games?
o Yes
o No
5. What kind of games do you play?
(You may choose more than one)
o Arcade Games (E.g. Video games)
o Board Games (E.g. Snake and Ladder)
o Card Games (E.g. Old Maid, Uno)
o Computer Games (E.g. Facebook games, Maple Story, Neopets)
o Console Games (E.g. DS Lite, Playstation, Nintendo Wii)
o Others : _____________________
6. Can you list down some of the games you have played?
(You may choose to answer this question)
7. What factors intrigue you into playing the games?
(You may choose more than one)
o Introduce by friends
o Entertainment
o Satisfaction of winning
o Aesthetic of the game(E.g. Visual graphics, sound effect)
o Fantastic game concept
8. On average, how long do you spend on playing games daily?
* Less than an hour
* 1 to 3 hours
* 3 to 6 hours
* More than 6 hours
9. Rank the following games according to your interest from 1 to 6, with 1 being the least preferred and 6 being the most preferred.
___ Arcade Games (E.g. Video games - Car racing, Shooting)
___ Board Games (E.g. Snake & Ladder, Monopoly)
___ Card Games (E.g. Old maid, Uno)
___ Computer Games (E.g. Dota, MapleStory)
___ Console Games (E.g. PSP, Nintendo Wii)
___ Physical Games (E.g. Sports)
10. Why do you prefer the game with the highest ranking (6) mentioned in Question 5?
11. Rank the following games according to your preferences from 1 to 6, with 1 being the least preferred and 6 being the most preferred
___ Playing games on electronic consoles (E.g. PSP, Wii)
___ Participate in outdoor activities with friends and family
___ Playing games alone
___ Playing games on computer
___ Playing with people through multi-users games/gadgets
___ Playing games on electronic devices (E.g. iPhone, iPod Touch, Handphones)
12. Briefly explain your choices for your highest ranking(6) mentioned in Question 11.
13. Do you remember the games you play during your childhood?(E.g. Catching, Hop-scotch, Five stones)
o Yes
o No
14. Do you miss those games?
o Yes
o No
15. Can you list down some examples of the childhood games you played?