Jan 19, 2005 21:46
Ahh... I'm trying to keep my cool, and I think I'm doing a very good job - thinking about what Jess told me earlier - apparently when I'm mad I curse a lot... or atleast everything I say is so "F***ED UP!!!". Hah, eh... but who doesn't curse?
Lets face it... I'm ENRAGED!!
My computer is making this horrible noise which resembles that of a small boat's propeller - the past 2 years of my life (or that of it that is on my computer) is standing on the edge about to fall into a pit of.... EMPTINESS! My computer for once, ACTUALLY crashed.
I'm frantically searching all over the internet for a solution, but nothing is working.
Hopefully - I can do something.... or else
Anything - or EVERYTHING - I ever did for Summers Gone, Thinkpatience, Deviant Art, Live Journal, Man Down, Photography, School, Myself, Friends and random people... is gone.
Yup, all gone.
2 years, down the drain. ( About 50gigs of it - 9 of that is Music...)
On a brighter note, I might go to dowingtown tomorrow to see Jess perform in band. :D