Nov 28, 2004 00:10
I'm never making a website... again... never... don't ask me. (Except for the new Summers Gone site that will be up for the CD release in spring!!!!)
This Man Down site isn't enjoyable for me at all. I just want to finish it... get it over with. Once its completed, I will pat myself on the back and just enjoy other projects.
Well other then the site, life has been great.
On Tuesday I went to Matchbook Romance, Hidden In Plain View, Name Taken, and Love Drug with Jess and Evelyn. It was interesting because I was on the house list to get in, but I wasn't down for the photo-pass. So when I obtained my ticket from the front desk I started to walk in and security stopped me, they told me I wasn't able to enter with the "Professional" camera unless I had a photo-pass. So after some small talk they finally let me in with my camera. Once I got into the venue, Love Drug just finished playing and Name Taken was about to go on. As soon as Name Taken finished, I walked up to the guard rail and talked my way up front (I didn't have a photo pass so the security up there gave me a hard time). Once I was inside the rail, Hidden In Plain View was setting up and getting ready to go on stage. I knelt down in the corner for about 10 minutes waiting when finally they come out. Its funny how your perspective completely changes when you're up there, I don't know what hurt my hearing more... the PA system or the girls behind me screaming. Anyways, they played an awesome set and I got a bunch of good pictures (I think... I need to get them developed). Afterwards, I walked out and met back up with Jess and Evelyn in the crowd. I wasn't able to shoot Matchbook Romance because I didn't have the photo-pass and they kicked me out.
The next day was fun, I skipped school to hang out with Jess (and it was a half day....). I wish I had my license so that she wouldn't have to shuttle the both of us around all the time. I just wish we didn't have to drive at all... anyone up for shuttling us around town? haha..... Anyways... we went to see "National Treasure", it was an interesting movie... it pretty much was all you would ever expect out of a Disney movie. Afterwards we went back to her place, talked for a little and played video games... haha, Jess is awesome.
Thanksgiving day was lots of fun, my whole family showed up at the house and we just chatted and ate Turkey... good stuff :D
The next day, on friday I got a random phone call from Shaun asking me to attend the set of Jesse Ponnock's music video... it was pretty cool, they're shooting it in 16mm which was the first time I have ever experienced it, very interesting. We were pretty much standing on a rooftop for about 5 hours, hoisting equipment with a rope from the ground to the roof, then vice-versa. It was hard labor, but fun... I can't wait to see the finished product.
Today I spent the day with Jess :D My dad is probably the weirdest person I've ever encountered in my life..... Well anyways, I wanted to show her Donnie Darko because she has never seen it before (and its my favorite movie) so we decided to go to my grandmothers because she has a big TV and it was less chaotic there. But before that, Jess and I went to out to the super market to get some sushi because we figured it'd be the cheapest way of getting sushi on the Main Line. Mmmm, sushi... good stuff :D
After the movie we went back to my house, Jess met the rest of my family and we hung out in my room. Then we went out for pizza and then to PJ's for a little.
Haha, I know my family has left a lasting first impression on Jess, hahaha.... oh well, it wasn't bad... just funny.
Well Im not really looking forward to tomorrow, I don't know how this is going to work out but I've divided my day into 2 categories.... the things I have to do AND the things I said I would do:
Things I have to do:
- Finish Man Down Website
- School Work.... and lots of it....
Things I said I would do:
- Skate with Sarge
- Continue to shoot that video for Jesse
...blah, I need to stop making random plans.... I wish I could spend the day with Jess again :D
I want to go to Drexel, I miss the crowd. I was going to go up today but time was against me. I'm hoping to next weekend, hopefully work won't be against them... :-/