Update-ish thingy so-not-really

Aug 26, 2011 21:10

So uh, right.

Have I gotten anything accomplished really?

Not really.

Recently, this is what I have actually done:

1. I have read the trashiest Navy SEAL novel ever to be written in the history of trashy novels. EVAR. I enjoyed every minute of it (except for the crappy ending).

2. I have gone up the coast to visit my mum for two weeks (she bribed me by saying she would pay me to watch the counter for her in the family business. The same thing I do every time I visit. Except now I am getting paid).

3. I watch the counter for a grand total of 4 hours a day. Take a nap directly afterwords, and go to bed before 10. I am old.

4. Went to the beach. I am still scratching sand out of my scalp.

5. Have not taken a shower following trip to beach (which is less than a half mile away). I probably should. Eventually. Later.

6. I watched an old episode of Sherlock Holmes yesterday called "The Interpreter." It had Jeremy Brett in it. It was amazing and terrible at the same time. It was on cable and my family played it just for me. I love my family.

7. Read more fanfiction than any normal person should ever read. Including Merlin, Star Trek 2009, Star Trek TOS, NCIS, Sherlock BBC, Sherlock Holmes 2009, Sherlock Holmes ACD, The Sentinel, Star Gate Atlantis, and who knows what else when I haven't been paying attention. Oh, and that's only between now and last Saturday, just fyi. Oh wait, I read some sort of queer Smallville and Batman Begins crossover the other day, so I should probably mention that ;)

8. Avoided writing. Started a new story I should have never began. Or maybe two. depends.


1. A really interesting (IMO) take on the idea of Sherlock and John (from BBC) being soulmates destined for each other who meet in their dreams starting in early childhood. It's up to over 40 pages, I started it early this spring, and I haven't really touched it since the last time I got it back from the Beta sometime in April when my course load "got too heavy too work on it." I am well aware that is a poor excuse. I am still procrastinating (although I have done a minuscule amount of the research needed to move on and write more).

2. A story about an asexual but not aromantic Sherlock finding his "twoo wuv" with John. sapsapsapsapsapfluff. FINISHED

3. A sooper secret story about John being a hardcore submissive looking for love, gives up and invades Afghanistan but ends up living with Sherlock and trying to hide his proclivities (good luck with that, John) and (of course) finds his "twoo wuv" with Sherlock. Am I seeing a pattern here?

4. A sequel to my Djinn!Sherlock Story Dandelion Wishes (that has no foreseeable end in sight, so far. It also appears to be an accumulation of drabbles).

5. I have just started a fic for a Mystrade fest. I think I signed up for two fics. Goodness knows when I'll start the second or if I'll ever finish the first. But it's supposed to be about Mycroft and Lestrade getting engaged (and married) when Lestrade is very young, but never meeting because Mycroft is a super cool spy and it would be dangerous for them to see each other. But Lestrade becomes a cop so when Mycroft returns (this was a very involved prompt) he thinks the cop has moved on so he doesn't contact him. But John finds out that Lestrade is married to a "Mycroft Holmes" and how many of those could there be? So he lets the cat out of the bag and the two husbands finally meet......This might be a monster, and then I might kill myself.

6. I've been working on a Mystrade Stalking fic since April (give or take) for the comment boards. I posted some then haven't really done anything else since. It haunts my dreams.

7. Wrote a GAY! Beauty and the Beast fic for a Fest. In three days it got up to 24,000 words so I threw in the towel and only posted one chapter. I've been posting the rest here, but I made the mistake of sending the first chapter to my writing group and now our History major is deconstructing everything about it so I'm afraid to write anymore until she's finished making me fix it >.< I bought a paid account just to post it, too, because the ridiculously long chapters broke my wordcount limit. lol

8. I think I started writing a post-apocolypse/Zombie fic starring John while I was drunk somewhere on or near my 21st birthday a couple weeks ago. I am afraid to look at it.

9. Some sort of weird Sherlock is obsessed with John story that Part I of the BBCSherlockkink forum prompted me to do in oh....March? I wrote a few chapters then like, never looked at it again. Silly avoidant(sp? Might not be a word. It should be.) SM. Pull your head out of your ass.

10. A day in the life of me in the crazy family business. I haven't touched it since Spring Break. Shame. Or was it after then? It might have been the beginning of summer.

11. Uhm, I'm sure there's something else floating around somewhere. Like, somewhere >.<


1. A proper sequel (I just tried to write "sex-quel) to my Mad Hatter story about John in Won/Underland. Complete with a real case. HAH.

2. A sequel to my other Djinn!Sherlock story Remember Me. I'm sure we don't have to go over why that's humorous, what with my procrastination rate.

3. I just thought up a story (today) and it's a song-fic (lightning strike me down) based on the song "Little Lion Man." Guess who it stars? Yeah, John. I'm tempted to add in some animal play. I.e. John pretending to be a cat because he and Sherlock get off on it. Or they don't get off on it and it's just a comfort thing.

4. A Star Gate Atlantis fic. I've dreamt up so many prompts in the last week or two that I've let them all slide away so that I wouldn't get distracted (HAH), but one of these days one will slip through.

5. A Star Trek 2009 fic. Probably to do with Tarsus IV. Just kill me now.


6. Maaaaaaaaaaaaybe a sequel to my Siren fic? I can't remember what I called it but while in progress it was just Siren!Sherlock....

star trek, fics, beauty and the beast, update, rant, sga, sherlock, fanfic

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