Title: The Doctor
Rating: R(or M?) (For blood guts, gore, cursing and the like.)
Warnings: Blood, serious injuries, the fixing of injuries. John is a Doctor after all. Violence, I suppose.
Characters: John/Sherlock (No romance, but a strong connection. I hesitate to call it friendship...)
Wordcount: 14,000 (give or take)
Summary: I went to war to save people, and learned how to kill. I left the war because of an accident, but the war didn't leave me.
Beta/Britpick: The lovely
lizzlie whom I can't thank enough!
Author's Notes
Pardon me for the long post, here, but since the fic itself WAY oversteps my character limits (says the unpaid user) I'm going to have to split it into other posts anyways, so I might as well chat a bit.
There is no overt slash in this fic. Not that you slash fans should be scared away by this: you won't have to squint too hard to see something if you would like to. If you aren't into slash, I promise there is nothing offensive. To define that, there is no kissing, groping, declarations of love....between Sherlock and John, anyways. There is a background slash pairing, but I think it comes to light a grand total of.....once.
My wonderful Britpicker
lizzlie took on the burden of editing this entire monster, and I absolutely love her dearly for it :) She deserves more than thanks, she deserves flowers, or something like that. She's the one who told me "Wait! Stairs? At the Yard?! What century are you living in?" and instead of just leaving me (and the fic) hanging, gave me advice on how to fix it properly and make it believable. How was I supposed to know that I stumbled across a wonderful person who actually has lunch at Speedy's and has been inside the Yard before?
So I blame any Americanisms left on her, just fyi, but any grammatical errors on myself, as I was the last to look at it (see anything and let me know). She did an excellent job, though, so I'm mostly picking on her at this point (and failing).
John Watson was supposed to be a sociopath, like Sherlock, but I am well aware that he is missing quite a few of the signs and tendencies, so we'll just call him a man of circumstances and remember that I'm not a psychologist in any way, shape, or form. His character just ran away with me, so go ahead and use your willing suspense of disbelief :)
I've never been to Britain, so any descriptions of real places are using my imagination, vivid descriptions of real places, Google Earth, and Wikipedia. Any descriptions of rank and army are from a Marine Corp. and Army friend of mine, but neither of them knew any real details about the British army or the RAMC so I got all of my details for ranking and procedure from there. I f anything is unbelievable, please let me know and I will fix it.
Just keep in mind that this is fanfiction ;)
Lessee...What else should I disclaim? Hm. There's a mysterious country floating around here. We pretended that it was Brazil, but you can pretend it's whatever country you like :) It's not really important.
I don't own Sherlock, BBC does, but the original idea of Sherlock Holmes is now...common property? Whatever you wanna call it, technically I can legally play with him all I want :)
So, end of author's notes. Don't be afraid to say something if something looks off, though, and
I'll take a look at it right off :D
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 The Secret Scene