Title: 30 Awkward Situations
Author: stupidmuse_hatesme
Prompt: 31 drabbles for the month of May. Any fandom allowed, one chapter per day (no posting ahead!), gayness required :) 100-1000 words per drabble.
Drabble #14: Daydreaming
Summary: Harry has no idea how he always gets himself into these sorts of things...
Warnings: Absolutely none. Well, yeah. maybe cursing. And possibly sexual type activities. Who knows :D
Rating: For now? PG-13 for cursing.
Length: 644
AUTHORS NOTE: Started out with the idea of daydreaming and I'm rather afraid I missed the mark...hmm...
Harry Potter loves the Weasley's. He really does. But sometimes he wonders if all the lights are one in their attic. He seems to be a surrogate son, and they include him just about everything nowadays, which is great. Before school started, they had him at their house for a month and he wouldn't have given up a single day there for anything.
But Harry is now 17 years old. He is an adult. He doesn't expect them to toss him to the wolves and expect him to take care of himself right off the bat (even though the Dursley's have been doing just that for years) but he would prefer if maybe they consulted him on a few decisions.
For instance, whoever decided that Grimmauld place for his Christmas Hols was a good idea was definitely off their rocker and doesn't know Harry very well one single bit.
When he wants to spend the Hols with his family, and that's what the letter he sent to Molly said, he wants to spend them with his family.
The war is over.
Voldemort is dead.
And to Harry, it's just plain wrong to shove Molly Weasley into musty and moldy basement kitchen of Grimmauld place.
Tapping his fingernails on the table next to the ratty couch he and Ron are sitting on, he stares blankly at the warped panes of the ground floor library.
Ron is currently leaning across the coffee table trouncing Hermione thoroughly at chess and Harry can practically hear the steam coming out of Hermione's ears. Not because she's losing, but because Ron is winning so matter of factly and is telling her exactly where she's going wrong.
Harry could've told him that was a wrong move.
His nose wrinkling in concentration he leans back into the greasy cushions, and then jumps forward with a cry.
Hermione jumps a little too and her knee shoves the table, rattling all of the pieces off of the chess board. Which, while the humans are distracted, scramble away from the board and across the floor with cries of "Run for it, mate!"
"What's wrong, Harry?" Ron says, laughingly.
"The couch bit me!"
Hermione covers her face with a hand and sinks back into her chair. "Harry, I'm not doing that badly, am I?"
Suddenly, they hear a slurping sound and the boys jump off the couch to see the cushions munching down Ron's abandoned jumper. With horrified eyes, the teens watch the holey old thing sink into the depths, and then the couch belches, and then makes a sound like it's smacking its lips.
Ron's gulp is like a pin dropping in a deadly silent room.
"Well," he says with a small voice. "I never liked that sweater, anyways."
Harry starts laughing. It escalates until he's clutching his stomach and tears are popping out of his eyes.
His friends eye him carefully.
"Harry?" Hermione ventures.
He wipes his eyes and strides to the door.
"C'mon, guys," He turns and gestures to them with a smile. "I never wanted you all here anyways. Let's tell Mum that we wanna spend the Hols at the Burrow."
Ron whoops and races past Harry. "Race ya to the kitchen, mate!"
They all three end up pounding down the hall, and the house seems to sigh right before the portrait in the entrance hall starts shrieking.
Harry apologizes under his breath, before excitedly interrupting Molly who hugs him and immediately waves her wand to collect her kitchen things.
"Well? What are you waiting for?" She shoos them "Go get your things, then!"
Harry stomps up the stairs and pats the banister. "I'll come back, old house. Just me. The Weasley's don't belong here, though."
The wood creaks, and he smiles.
"Yeah, I'll be back."