lol 2008

Jan 08, 2008 07:38

Some resolutions, inspired by the new year:

1. Have a games industry job within four months. Of course, this has a lot of smaller resolutions within, like having relocated (far away), obtained an apartment, and, in all likelihood, owning or leasing a car.

The upcoming months, then, will be busy. All of the big images/renders for my site are done - right now I am making some thumbnails - so all that's left is page layout, writing the text, and about four video clips to show off my animation skillz. Certainly before the end of January I will have applied to several places.

I don't know that I feel prepared, but I heard some good advice, courtesy of Adam Carolla on Loveline. The idea is that people will often be overcautious and put off major decisions, for fear that they're not ready, in spite of the fact that they've always been smart and responsible otherwise - paying bills on time, staying out of debt, etc. So sometimes the best thing is to just jump in when the attractive opportunities arise. Yeah, maybe it'll be scary and seem like you're in over your head at first, but you'll find a way to make it work.

So that's the wisdom I'm going to stick to when things really start moving.

2. Get back down to the 160lbs range. I currently weigh 180, and while I don't feel unhealthy per se, I also don't feel as well and energetic as I could, nor are clothes quite as flattering on me as they could be.

Sub-resolution: Get back to eating the way I know I should be eating.

3. At least start learning programming at some point during '08.

4. Set aside more time for reading. I'm gonna be honest here and tell you that the last book I read was read mostly while sitting on the toilet.

5. Own at least one game console. Yeah, PURCHASE CONSUMER ELECTRONICS is a pretty lame resolution, but I grew up playing console games, and I feel like I've been out of it for so long. In fact, ya know what?

6. Set aside more time for leisure activities in general. More reading, more game playing, and see more movies. Get a Netflix account or something and then force myself to watch every damn movie I get sent.

7. Finally, buy more music. Support the artists whose work I enjoy so well.

In other news, it is 54° and rainy. Just a week or so ago we had several feet of snow. Crazy stuff!
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