Mar 24, 2008 13:51
Today I'm getting stuck into my home learning I.T. course.
I'm liking it so far, they've given me a shoulder bag with a lot materials such as pens, pencils, paper, an anti-static wrist band so I don't zap my computer parts to death (I was always careful enough to avoid that anyway but it's nice to have added insurance I suppose) a full tool kit with various sizes of screwdrivers, pliers and even a little grabby thing to retrieve dropped screws that fall into the nooks and cranny's of the computer (always hated fishing those out!)
The main meat of it though is the 11(!) course books they've sent. Well 10 actually, as one of them is a skinny starter book explaining what's what.
It's 5 books for one side of it called COMP TIA A+ Essentials (which I have to do first, hence the "Essentials" tag I guess) and the other 5 called I.T. Technician.
Those books are pretty big and it feels slightly overwhelming and even reading through the first book's beginning I still don't feel like "Right, the book's telling me to do A, I'll do that then on to B!) It doesn't feel A, B, C, it feels like A, F, S.
Maybe I just need a week to get planted.