Nov 25, 2005 19:51
Today I made the biggest dinner of my life. I was jipped on Thursday so I decided to make up for it. It took three hours. I made an herb roasted turkey, garlic mashed potatoes, skillet cornbread, stuffing and cranberry chutney. Yum. I was pretty proud of myself. The girls (Kate and Han) and Jess came over to enjoy with me.
My cousin's sperm are currently dying because he is setting his laptop on his lap. One would think that such an action would be safe due to the name "laptop," but this is not the case. I saw on the news the other day, CNN probably, that the heat they generate is strong enough to kill them, but he doesn't seem to care.
I watched a man's breasts and areolas be reduced. It was pretty much disgusting and they kept pulling on them during the suturing. Gross. Its cold as fuck in this house and I can't wait to get back to my cosy dorm. The Pistons are on, bye.
PS I'm Kate's number one you know what-er.