omgosh omgosh omgosh~~~~
I can't freaking believe it if SME were to have a korean version of hana kimi!!!!!
Making me screaming at home like nobody's business...
this is awesome or what?
And morever I have totally have an expected the character~~~
Okay I know I am a little bias in my guess but yeah...
Sorry can't help >.< the main girl I personally think it will be amber.
due to the fact SNSD is TOOO pretty XDD I don't think they fit in the role Mizuki Ashiya
But you can't deny they are pretty right?
the Izumi Sano :D
reading how the manga goes... one thing I can say is someone who is tall..
that's why the handsome donghae and jonghyun is out of topic right?
so I can see kyuhyun and minho being.
but mostly like is minho since during the IDOL SPORTS, he's the one who win the gold medal.
so that they won't have to train kyuhyun to do the high jump.
minho does have the look of wanting to win XDD
Shuichi Nakatsu
actually anyone is fine, even if they want shindong..
but he's the second main lead... so I don't think they will want to try shindong with it...
eunhyuk seemed nice :DDD the happy mood he gives people...
for shinee, onew seem to fit this role... but ehhh I don't think he's good at sport due to his sangtae... hahaha XDD
if minho isn't izumi sano, he can take up this role due to his super awesome football skil XDD
but actually who act in it doesn't matter..
the gay doctor should be HEECHUL!!!
there is no one BETTER than him I tell you~
NO ONE!!!!
so yeah actually even if they find someone that I don't expect to act to be main lead...
AS LONG AS it's HEECHUL being the gay doctor...
my life is complete XDDD