I was tagged...

Apr 12, 2006 15:31

I got tagged. So now I'm forced to post. But It don't mind cause this meme seems fun :P

Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 8 weird things/habits about yourself. Then, pick 8 friends to tag and list their names. Finally you need to leave a comment saying, "You've been tagged" in their comments & tell them to read your blog.

1. I think stuff that's deformed in a certain way is absolutely disgusting. Example: I find navel oranges repulsive because of the navel part. I don't like the look of english muffins because of all the gross holes that are close together when you cut it open. Anything with random small circles or holes that are close together actually. Sponges are gross and those ugly giant stones with holes that you see in chinese gardens. I can keep listing things...yar. Oh and trees give me the chills sometimes because I think bark is just THAT ugly. Especially when it's like flaking off or have giant weird round growths on it.

2. This is horrible, but it has to be listed. I think I'm the only person I know of that does this. OK, so ever since I was little, I would hold my breath every time I walked past an ugly person or when they walked past. Because, I was afraid of catching their ugly. I know, it's awful.

3. I do it instinctively now.

4. Sometimes I'm a bit OCD when it comes to certain situations. Like, if my and brushes something and the feeling lingers, I'll almost always have an urge to get the feelin on my other hand. It wont bother me to a point that i'll go crazy, but I sometimes just need to do it :P

5. When I feel amazingly bored at life, I'll curl up an watch almost an entire series of something. My record is watching 5 seasons of Xena. I slept in between, but that's what I did for like three days. Yes, I'm crazy.

6. I always destroy clear plastic cups. I'll always drink from them and then after, I'll idly unfold the curled drinking part with my teeth. Once that's done, I'll slowly rip little tears on the top going down. Then i'll extend the rips till the cup look slike some kinda weird octopus. And then I fold the strands of cup down so the inside bottom of the cup is able to touch the table I'm at.

7. I really like destroying stuff thats in plastic bags with my hands. Chips, pretzels, cheese puffs...anything that's in a plastic bag really. I'll sometimes walk in a super market while shopping and randomly start crushing chips in a bag while I look for something real to buy in the aisle because I like the feel and sound of it.

8. My sleep pattern is I'll start sleeping later and later until I'm sleeping at 11am, then I'll stay up as long as I can until I'm sleeping at 6pm and waking up at 1am. This continues till I start sleeping normally, like at 10pm and waking up at 7am. But then it starts all over again. My body probably hates me.

I  tag: 
catsonmars and whoever else cause I can't think of anyone else.
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