Dec 16, 2008 20:02

Love and Hate

If its crap at the beginning,
might it be crap at the end?

this mouse sucks, along with the DIAL UP connection. Yes I said DIAL UP.
would a faster internet connection be an insulting christmas gift?

When did I become a snob?
Where was I, and why wasn't I paying attention?

In a week old fever, on maybe ten hours of sleep that entire week, I had to re-design my book, moving the gutters and finding a new home for all my bleeding text, because apparently my printer does not understand how to crop a bleed. Really? oh yes. So, ALL those hours spend bleeding my text, because lets face it, my teacher forgot to mention that this was harder than a simple color bleed, and can not be pulled out or stretched. I'm gonna say it took me ten hours to bleed my entire document. Then after four different proofs at many hours of the night; one of which did not work because the ink on my cover would not stick to the binding glue; the other not cropped within the crop marks and so on. A total mess. Needless to say, my book looks nothing like how I designed it, its cropped all wrong, and its general state is of great sadness.

Apparently I attempted something hard and got kudo's for doing so. Why must my creative mind think outside the box, and why must I hold myself to standards I can't control. Because it would have been perfect if I had done it myself. KEY WORD: would.

I sat in my final Type 2 class, in a sleep deprived state, eye's glazed over from angry morning sex, covered in childish hickies looking at my feet. I figured that if I could not say something nice, I might as well tell everyone, I GOT NEW SHOES. My plan worked really well; course when it came to my turn for a one on one with the great and wonderfull jennifer sterling, I mentioned my shoes a lot. I don't know how I turned in a piece of shit, and still managed to get an A?


excuse me?

blink. blink.

She makes my brain hurt. I can't seem to get her out of my head. And she wants me to take her Id class. I'm "such a wonderfull person to have in her class" and "worked extremely hard to accomplish somethings no one else in the class even attempted". What? huh?

Granted, our Type 2 class, was the only class to produce actual books, but what just happened? no seriously, I have not looked up from my computer in the last fifteen weeks. And of course Mary Scott loves them.

Hans has dubbed me an "educational masochist".

Its fucking COLD.
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