Jan 09, 2005 19:41
hey..so yea my break has been pretty good havent spent too much time home..lol..umm..yea..found out bout a lake i never knew bout..lol..n it is very peaceful to just chill at ..took my doggie there n just yea.. lol..ugh..2marro is skool..bout i found out my bio teacher wuz retiring n she wont be wit us this semster..yay!!..didnt like her 2 much.. Packers lost to the vikings which pissed me off!!!..too many stupid mistakes..but the colts won so that makes up for it..lol..yea..2-day wuz my lazy day..slept..ate..laid down..n walked my dog to the filed where steven wuz..lol..by himself..so i chilled wit him n we talked for like an hour..n then craig i guess got there from running..so then me him n steven talked for a bit then had to go watch my packers loose..n yea..im tired but i told my b/f that i would stay on till he gets back so yea.. im hungry..gunna go get food...adios...