Mar 08, 2006 21:15
well theres not much to say... im still going to school even though my schoolweek doesnt consist of 5days anymore cuz im sick like once a week... that kinda sucks cuz my parents actually didnt allow me to go to any parties last weekend and im prolly not allowed to drink alcohol next weekend wich kinda sucks cuz on friday theres a abi-party and were gonna meet at my house to drink a lil before we go there and i prolly wont even drink and im the host... this sucks! its gonna be fun anyways...
for all of you who didnt know already: im lesbian... at least thats what my boyfriend thinks... oh yeah right he should know better, shouldnt he??? hehe nah he just saw me giving my super duper awsome sweet sara a friendship-kiss... and now hes making fun of us hehe... and i mean were kinda pretending every now and then like we "like" each other just to confuse him ^^
yeah right my life is kinda boring lately and i have nothing else to say...
love yall!