thumbs down to LJ and my computer

May 23, 2003 10:30

So yesterday, I began typing this big rant about fake people. About how people hide behind a mask they put on to try and be someone that they are not, and how much it pisses me off. But upon submitting it, it did not go through. Which sucked, because it was really long and took a long time to type. So I had to re-type it. I ended up putting a really short and quick version of it. That sucked.


Anyway, sorry about not writing for so long. I've been busy. So here is the quick overview of the past week or 2.

*Two weeks ago*
-Sunday: practiced for the Talent Show.
-Monday: I do not remember...most likely me looking for a job.
-Tuesday: "Good Mourning" by Alkaline Trio was released, and they played on Conan O'Brien. They played All On Black, which is my favorite song on the new record. But my worst fear was confirmed...Matt Skiba has contracted what I call "Axl Rose Syndrome." Too much drinking and smoking and drugs has done serious damage to his voice. It's still really good on record, but it is definately not what it used to be.
-Wednesday: Talent show. Heathcliff and the Avengers rocked the house, for sure. We opened with "The Right Wrong" by The Wunder Years, then into "This Could Be Love" off the new Trio record...both played with the ever amazing George Lamberis. Then he left and we played "All On Black" and ended with "97" for a strong closer. Phil also rocked out acoustic with Radio and Blue In The Face. I think he played something else, but I don't remember. Then we went to go meet Alkaline Trio at Tower, and met up with Andrew. Fun times. The only thing that sucked about the night was that I had to give my guitar back to George. See, he gave me this Epiphone Explorer-like guitar about a year ago. He said that they never, ever used it, and I could see why, as it was really messed up. During the past 6 months, I put in about $60 to fix it. No big deal, as I thought it was mine. I even ordered new pickups from Tobias Music, and had arranged for the wiring inside to be fixed in June. But he says that he wanted it back. I would have no problem with that, but I wish I would have known that before I prepared to put a crapload of money into fixing that. But I didn't want to say anything, because he is always super-nice to us, and I still have his Hell Yes 7" as well as 2 old school tapes (OLD Swizzle Tree demo and OLD Lucky Boys Confusion demo...if any of you happen to have these that you don't want, let me know). But it really bugged me. Anyway...
-Thursday: Alkaline Trio played at the Rivera. It was amazing. Not the best time I have seen them, but it was still a really, good show. Mostly because I knew all of the new songs. If I didn't it would have sucked. And they ended with 97, so that made it 10 times better.

Yeah, I really don't remember much of what happened between Friday and today. Ok I do, but I'm too lazy to type it. Not really lazy, but I have a million things to do, and I just realized what time it is, so I have to go.

If anyone is reading this,


If you can go, call my cell, IM me (MattPechanio) or email me ( and let me know. Thanks!

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