From the community who brought you stirring life altering debates such as
"You should send your kid to daycare instead of your parents while training for your Nuke Tech Navy job or instead quit the Navy and go on welfare because its so much better for the kid" ![](
ikilled007 asks
booju_mooju a very important question:
Are you going to teach your child to stand while they wipe their butt or will you let them become savages? Ok, apparently there are people who do not stand up to wipe themselves after a bowel movement. I know barbarism is making a comeback across the globe, but really, do the last vestiges of civilization need to be annihilated before you people are happy? There are several reasons to stand when wiping, not least among them being that you should keep your hand away from the toilet bowl. Just contorting to the side leaves room for slippage and inadvertant contact with areas of the toilet which are less than hygienic. Further, unless you have arms like an orangutan, you're probably not getting a full range of motion and thus your anus is probably lightly coated with feces. That's just gross.
So the debate is, are you going to teach your child to stand when he/she wipes, or will you let him/her naturally devolve into a barbarian?
Right away someone says TROLL! and others well they tell the whole wide web that they stand/sit when they wipe their asses, (I shall let you guys read those ones at your discretion) but a couple of gems:
talks about she has never seen a woman with skidmarks ![](
radioactivetoy claims
"This was - by far - your most inane post." to
in which is proven wrong by being shown a link in in
debate (WTF? is a good response to that one!)
One user
chimes in with a painful incident her husband had with a bidet Honestly, parents normally do divulge in a lot of TMI when it comes to their kids but this is just gross.
*will add more later*