It's All About You

Jan 21, 2008 19:11

After writing my newest essay about losers and their loser mentality, I got to thinking about how some jaded people choose to indulge in meaningless pursuits as a substitution for having a real life. IE: I work with this fat, lazy broad who does nothing but whine, bitch and complain about every little paper cut that comes her way. I truly believe that her passion for living centers around the personal hell she has created for herself. She is an artist whose medium is misery, and she spends every waking hour filling the canvas of her day with different shades of petty complaints and gripes about her self-inflicted health problems. She works harder and with a greater passion at complaining than she has ever worked at anything in all her days.
Hmmm...the fat lady kind of reminds me of people I've come across on the internet, especially people involved in stupid communities, such as childfree, cf_hardcore and cf_drama. People seem not to be able to get along with one another in those communities, as their posts are featured almost everyday here on stupid_free. Do the member of those communities really believe that trolling and bickering with one another over petty issues is a good substitute for having a family and raising children? I'm sorry to break it to you, but dog-children only live about ten years, and it's always good to have decendents around to call you 'grandma' in your old age. Also, your internet friends will probably be too senile to log on when you are old and dying alone in your frigid hospital bed. I'd be willing to bet 99.9% of you childfree people are self-loathing, nihilistic, guilt-ridden dumb-ass caucasian people too. There are probably few -if any- childfree people of the other races because they are into things like 'families' and 'social lifes away from their computers'. -And ladies, how many of you have never been on a date, yet are obsessed with gay men? Let me tell you, big hairy heterosexual men are not really all that frightening! A few inches of sausage is much more satisfying than sighing over anime prettyboys with a hand down your pants!
A few more pointless wastes of time are customers_suck and c_suck_snark. If members of those two communities would spend as much time studying and/or looking for a better job as they would complaining about those complete strangers they will never see again who give them a hard time at their shit-jobs, then they would have a million $$ already. After all, this is the United States of America, where people who are willing to work hard can at the very least become part of the middle class. -But they don't really want to work hard, do they? no NO! They just want to complain away here on stupid_free, the community that seems to have a disproportionately large number of people who spend much of their free time hunting down any of us brave souls in this internet universe DARING to criticise any of the multitudes of shiftless, drug and alcohol abusing dirtbags collecting off of our welfare system. Guilty consciences? -Because it just seems to me that anyone who is able to afford things like, -say- cellphones, pitbulls, tattoos, piercings, junk-food, computers and internet access to bitch, piss and moan about people here on stupid_free should be able to afford to feed their families, right? RIGHT?!?!!?
Also, this was rather sad, when a bunch of insecure, catty bitches made personal attacks about a girl's looks, just because she came up with a facetious answer to a rather dumb question. Hhhmmmmm....can we say 'hang ups'?
I believe that it is in the best interest of each and every member of this community to get up, take a look at themselves in the mirror and ask the following two questions:
1.) Do I love myself?
2.) Am I afraid of dying alone?
If you answered 'yes' to both of those questions, then you need to quit this community right now. Get up off your pasty, white asses and go forth into that big, wide world out there. Let the light of the natural sun hit your face. Most importantly, find someone else to care about besides yourselves! Today is the first day of the rest of your lives and you need to make something of it, because after all, this is the only life you are going to get and if you fuck it up, there's no going back and there's no taking it with you. You'd be wise to take my advice because you don't want to end up like one of these people:

DISCLAIMER: Now I realize that many of you are probably going to flame me and come up with all kinds of fantasies about, say, mountain-climbing adventures and mission trips to Peru. I just want to say the following: I believe you and am suitably impressed. -ALSO- This is a social experiment done for the LOLs and, like Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior, I care deeply about EACH and EVERY one of you and hold all of your opinions in equal regard to the next person's opinions. Thank you.
With Deepest Sincerity,
Kharmii the Three-Headed Monster
TAGS: nerds, dorks, geeks, losers, social rejects, village idiots, hive mentality, mob mentality, herd mentality, fascists, sheep, slaves, fat broads, obesity, insecure people, stretch nuts, stupid people, roleplayers, women obsessed with gay men, ugly people, hikikomori, autistic people, druggies, welfare cheats, whiners, people into erotic asphyxia, pud-whackers, social experiments, done for the lols, caring, caring deeply, sincerity, people with no life, bustaz, scrubbies, dead-beats, nut-jobs, personality disorders, schizophrenia, pettiness, heyyy!, sillyheads, sillypants, fucktards, fuckwits, freaks of nature, second life addicts, world of warcraft addicts, internet addicts, shut-ins, fantasy lands, fatties, douches like you, GET A LIFE!, boring people who dye their hair funky colors and get piercings to be interesting

meta stupid, i make funny, so long cruel community, i'll pray for you, 1000 comments, comments like whoa, fail, this post fucking sucks, i make funny oh no i get banned!, y-a-w-n, tl;dr, self cleaning anus, let's troll stupid_free lol, soapboxing, 5000 comments, creepy, 2000 comments, "social experiments", i'm a god damn retard, edgy opinions - i has them, what?, we broke the comments, you stay classy, read the rules plz

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