this post.
little_rosebud says the following about a picture of a loli girl of rubenesque proportions: "I don't think the dress is TOO bad, actually. It's the girl who's wearing it. I don't hate chubby Lolis. They can be just absolutely adorable. But this girl has no idea how to dress herself! It fits her so badly... there are no words. I can't help but laugh at this comment she has: "Once again, taking off this costume is a doozy..." Draw your own conclusions!" (Picture of 'big-boned' loli has been expunged from the internets, so we have to use our imaginations)
Queue a few snarky comments about the larger loli: "They are all hideous, but especially the first one. Who wears such a short dress when they're that size? and without anything on her legs? My God, WHY?", "the first one? chubby? No.... she's not chubby.... she's fat. Chubby people have figures. Why on earth do people like that think they can pull off a look like that, thats even hard for slim lolita's. The rest is just,, bad. The last one is,... loss for words."
Our dear friend anonymous joins the fracas. Anonymous is later revealed to be
koiouji, the girlfriend of the plumpity loli. (OMG LESBEENS???!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!??Q) Anonymous threatens to file an internet lawsuit, calling upon the help of her "lawyer/cop" dad: "Your lucky I don't tell my lawyer/cop father about this. Although I really should take legal actions on all your asses!"
But wait... according to her lj, her DADDY IS DEAD!: "Most Missed Memory: My daddy...", "This was my father's favorite time of year cause god knows he hated Christmas because he had to get out of bed at the butt crack of dawn, but anyway since me and my sister Krissy are his full blooded children me and her are to drink in his memory because this is the first of many St. Patrick Days to come that we're not going to be spending time with our dad. I miss him so much...he was my hero. He taught me how to play guitar in which I so idiotically gave up. He taught me how to play the bagpipes...(which no one knows I know how to play >.>) He taught me how to ride a bike, he taught me to river dance (which is Irish dancing for you non Irish people out there....) and he taught me so much more, like how to forgive and forget, how to be compassionate, how to act like decent human being. Ah well, whats done is done but it would be so nice just to spend one more St. Patricks day with the only man I ever loved...."
Dead parents, lesbians, fatties, this post has got it all. Also, as an *actual* Irish person, I can safely say this tard knows fuck all about Ireland. "River dance"? "St. Patty's Day"? Get a fuggin clue!