mummy2kianna is shocked--shocked!--that a homeless person might have access to the internet. Apparently, in Australia, unlike every other developed country with homeless people and public libraries,
the homeless never go to libraries to use the internet. They are much too busy babbling incoherently, getting drunk, begging for change and otherwise fulfilling their Marginalized Person job description. It's a full-time job, people!
And even if they do,
they are only allowed to have one browser tab open, and that is to a job search site.
But in the end, she just wants to show us her homeless hatred.
Her homeless hatred, let her show you it. However, on the up side, we all learn
a new word today!
See if you can spot the bonus homeless people should never have pets wank.
ETA: I fail with the flocking. Sorry folks, it really is an excellent stupid and I got a little over-enthusiastic about posting it--thus with the failure. The new word, however, would be "twunt" which is helpfully described as "a portmanteau of 'twat' and 'cunt'". Thanks LJ linguistics fairy! I hearby command everyone to, instead of further commentary at my flocking failure, to use the word 'twunt' in a sentence.