Over in
xlizbianx breaks the comm rules about macros needing to contain cats and posts an
unfunny, off-topic fail macro. Naturally members of the community (some of them) let it be made clear that this is a rulebreaking fail-post, complete with some snarky counter-macros.
xlizbianx retorts, wondering why the members of
cat_macros are not dying of lulz over her generous gift of macro-ness, and some convulted explanation of how it's vaguely related to cats.
And to top this all off...that's right,
SOSHUL EXPERIMENT! xlixbianx offers some e-hugs to the comm and promises never to do it again, aww.
Unlocked and un-deleted at time of posting.
EDIT: Baleeted! But here are some screenshots.
The macroExcuses, excuses...SOSHUL EXPERIMENT